11 - Coming clean

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"So how're things going with you?"Jesse asked before taking a sip of his cappuccino

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"So how're things going with you?"Jesse asked before taking a sip of his cappuccino.

Fiddling nervously with my coffee muffin I flickered my eyes at him before smiling.

"It's good, I'm a Doctor now, I have a sixteen-year-old daughter and I'm -"

"Daughter?!" Jesse interrupted sounding shocked.

"Yeah, I was married you know but I've recently just gone through a divorce," I announced.

Jesse exhaled nodding his head before apologizing for interrupting me.

"Sorry to hear that," he apologized.

"Oh no it's a-okay, it was my dad who suggested the marriage anyway," I stated. Jesse's jaw clenched staring at me, his lips parted to say something but quickly closed themselves.

"Anyway enough about me what about you?" Trying to get the attention off of me I quickly changed the subject.

"Oh me I'm a Cop now, well a lieutenant, I've also just come back from a job and I recently broke it off with my boyfriend,"

"Boyfriend?!" I queried my mouth agape in shock.

"Yes, I'm gay, I figured you know since we kissed back then when we were kids," Jesse stated, making me blush in embarrassment.

He and Jesse did kiss back then. They were running away from the other guys and had found a secluded area.

That's when Jesse had taken his face and kissed him. Of course, I was shocked but Jesse immediately asked me if I hated it and I told him no so he kissed me again.

That's when it started raining. And we had gone to my house because it was closer. That was the day my dad forbid me from seeing Jesse and beat me until I got the idea.

"Oh," Jesse stared at me furrowing his brow.

"You're not gay?"  he questioned.

Immediately I went to shake my head but the thought of Ivan popped up.

"Um, I don't know?" I answered. Jesse exhaled shaking his head.

"To be honest, Oli, I still haven't forgotten about you over the years, and when I saw you at the store I realized that I explore what you and I had back then," Jesse spoke.

Staring at him silently as I scratched the back of my head, I began cursing myself angrily, I should have bolted when I saw him.

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