24 - Ridiculous remarks

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"Can you please put on some clothes?" Viktor sighed handing Ivan a pair of comfortable sweats that he had brought him

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"Can you please put on some clothes?" Viktor sighed handing Ivan a pair of comfortable sweats that he had brought him.

They were in a van heading back over to Ivan's apartment where Oliver was waiting patiently at.

"Nyet, I have plans," Ivan smiled licking his lips thinking of a certain Doctor.


Viktor rolled his eyes resting the pair of clothes down.

"Well at least re-tie your clothes. Why did you go to the station in a robe, Ivan? You're a bratva boss please act like it," Viktor lectured.

Ivan tilted his head whilst rolling his eyes as he readied himself to ignore him.

"Anyways, Oliver is waiting at the apartment with Lev for you. He's quite anxious," Viktor announced.

Ivan smiled widely nodding his head, there was no denying that he wanted to see his Lisichka right now.

"Good," Ivan replied. Soon silence filled the car until Ivan noticed Viktor's eyes staring him down in question.

He knew what that meant. Something or someone was on Viktor's mind

"What's wrong with you?" Ivan quried at Viktor.

Viktor sighed before taking off his glasses.


"Connor, the bartender at our club, I -"

"You're intrigued by him?" Ivan finished, his face lighting up already happy and surprised that Viktor was starting to take a liking to someone.

"I just find him amusing, nothing more," Viktor clarified making Ivan huff at his bullshit.

"You like him," Ivan deadpanned making Viktor sigh.

" I hate that word," Viktor muttered.

"Correction, you hate the word Love," Ivan chuckled.

"Da, can you shut up?" Viktor questioned. Ivan's smirk widened as mischief came to mind.

"So what's the question? I know you have a question for me, Viktor,"  Ivan knew his best friend. He could tell what was on Viktor's mind before the man even knew.

They did grow up together and Viktor never was a talker, and  Ivan had to adapt in some kind of way.

"Это неловкое," Viktor replied.
[It's awkward.]

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