40 - sixty- nine? Or a silly bet?

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It's been days since the incident with my mother

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It's been days since the incident with my mother. Since she told me the reason as to why she had abandoned me.

Before then, I've decided to take a temporary leave off from work.

Usually, I wouldn't have done such a thing but I honestly need a break.

Time to think.

Time to process everything my mother had told me.

She said that she had no other choice but to leave but the way, I still see it is that she did have a choice.

But she had apologized.

And as much as I want to hold a grudge against her I know that it would be a better thing to forgive her than to resent her.

I do want to have a relationship with my mother.

Even after everything she's done.

Is that such a bad thing?

I shouldn't forgive her so easily, should I?

"Lisichka," a low voice exhaled. Ivan's voice sent shivers down my spine as his rough hand grazed against my back so gently.

"You're quiet, tell me where that mind of yours is," Ivan breathed as the hand on my back moved its way toward my hair.

Exhaling loudly, I closed my eyes as I listened to the sound of the heartbeat of the man I loved.

"My mother," I replied earning a grunt in response.

"Should I kill her?" Ivan quried, his voice showed no ounce of humor which scared me.

I keep forgetting that Ivan's not just some regular man but a man who's the leader of a whole Russian mob.

Which means, Ivan would kill my mother if I told or asked him to.

That should terrify me and it does but-

"No, and I never want you to," I clarified. Ivan went silent only sharing eye contact with me before nodding.

"And don't harm her either," I added, knowing he would find a leeway.

"Da," he replied, whilst coursing his fingers in my hair making me hum in pleasure.

"Dad!" Emily yelled catching me and Ivan's attention.

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