20 - Enraged.

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"Please don't tell Ivan what gone down," Oliver begged.

After Lev had escorted his father out of the building it had finally hit Oliver that Ivan would kill his father if he knew what had gone down.

"Nyet, Dr. Blake I'm sorry but I have to give a full report to the Boss. It's on my head if I don't," Lev explained, his eyes worryingly studying my face.

"And surely the Boss is going to know since your cheek is swollen, sir," Lev announced making Oliver gasp.

He had forgotten about that. Quickly he went up to a mirror to look at his cheek.

It was bruised.

"Dad? Is Grandpa gone?" Emily called coming down the steps. Instantly her eyes locked onto her father's face catching the swollen bruise on his cheek.

"Dad!" she shouted running over to him.

"Are you okay? Did Grandpa do this?! We should call the cops or-" Emily worriedly rambled lightly treading her hands on her father's face.

"Peanut, it's okay," Oliver consoled silencing her.

"Okay?! Dad, grandpa shouldn't be hitting you! You're his son! You and mom have never put your hands on me so don't ever say that this is okay!" Oliver opened his mouth to say something when he heard her gasp mid-sentence.

"Was this why you were so hard on mom when she was going to hit me that one time?" She queried.

Emily was right there was a time Amelia had raised her hand to slap Emily but he immediately stopped her.

Growing up in a household filled with abuse wasn't something he wanted his daughter to experienced. Which was why he had a stern talk with Amelia about how he wanted to discipline Emily without using violence.

"Dad, I don't like this," Emily frowned.

"It's okay, Emily," Oliver comforted once again.

"Don't tell me it's okay when you're eyes are telling another!" she cried.

"I know how you and Grandpa's relationship was strained but I didn't know that this was why!"

"Dad, we have to get help, this isn't right," Emily lamented.

"Emily, Hun, I know and I will but I'm going to ask that you please calm down," Oliver began.

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