34 - First Fight.

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The nurse stared at the large man who stood with his dominating green eyes looking down at her intensely

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The nurse stared at the large man who stood with his dominating green eyes looking down at her intensely.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked. Ivan smiled before nodding his head.

"Ah, Da, I'm here for Oliver Blake," he announced catching the attention of Ravi who just happened to be talking to one of his colleagues.

Ivan was impatient to see his doctor after their little shenanigans on the phone he'd been waiting to return to his Lisichka since.

A whole week, he was gone and a whole week he needed to make up for.

"I-'m sorry, Dr. Blake is currently doing an operation," the nurse informed.

Ivan dug one of his hands into his pants pocket before running the other hand through his hair.

"Then after he's done, let him know that I am here," Ivan instructed before turning his glance over to Ravi whose eyes still stayed on him.

Smiling Ivan tilted his head before waving at Ravi.  He knew exactly who Ravi was.

Ravi Khatri is a 6'3, South Asian man from India. They came from a wealthy family that owns multiple hospitals and clinics in India which was why he became a doctor specifically a Brain Surgeon.

On his file, it read that Ravi Khatri became the black sheep of his family because of his interest in men which was why his family sent him off from India to this little city.

It also said that Ravi Khatri was known to be a charmer and player of India. Pulling in men and women using them before dropping them like flies.

Ivan couldn't care less about Ravi's life but if that man had an interest in Oliver

Then he'd pick the wrong man to pick on.

Oliver was his and his alone.

Ravi's brows furrowed in confusion before waving back at Ivan.

Ravi eyed the man down, taking in Ivan's features and outfit. Ivan was dressed in his normal attire, a white button-up shirt, paired with dressed pants. Rings on his fingers and a gold Cuban link hanging around his neck.

His bust-down carrier watch shimmered under the hospital lights. But besides how rich Ivan looked Ravi was quite taken aback by how handsome one man could be.

Ravi considered himself a top but if Ivan was in the picture he might've considered-

"Dr. Ravi? No?" Ivan called questioning if that was his name or not.

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