Viktor's Prologue - Scarface

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Viktor Popov, a man whose name was also well known throughout the city.

He had many names that people liked to call him by but mostly went with Scarface and the second-hand man of Ivan Mikhailov.

Scarface was a name to mock the scar that ran from his eyes straight to the bottom of his chin.

Some would think Viktor would ridicule someone for calling him that but he didn't care.

Words have power but only the ones you allow to.

Besides many wanted to know how Viktor got it but Viktor wasnt a guy of words but a guy of action.

He was tall and lean compared to Ivan who had a large build. His eyes were grey and his hair was a rich dark brown.

His lips were full, his jaw was chiseled and his nose was perfect.

Quite perfect.

Despite his scar, Viktor's one handsome man.

No one could deny that.

Men and women begged on their knees to get with a man like Viktor but he wasn't much to converse with or build a relationship with.

He hated love and people.

No, he despised it.

The only thing that mattered to Viktor was absolute trust and loyalty.

And the only person he deemed loyal and trustworthy enough was Ivan.

Other than that he trusted no one.

Not even his men.

Ivan would also ask him to try to make friends beside him or either get a lover.

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