9 - Little Freaky

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Lisichka's body trembled, his eyes wide as he exhaled cumming into my hands

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Lisichka's body trembled, his eyes wide as he exhaled cumming into my hands.

My cock strained hard against my slacks begging to come out but now is not the time.

It'd be best for me to take it slow with Oliver since he is very new to this.

I know others would not consider me jerking him off by taking things slowly but for me it is.

"Ivan," he murmured his voice low and soft.

"You came a lot Lisichka have you been pent up?" I questioned raising my hand that was drenched in his cum.

His cheeks flushed at the sight of my hand but became even redder when my tongue ran along it.

"W-Why would you-" he shuttered. Oliver bit his bottom lip as he stared at me before his eyes looked down at my very large print.

His eyes widen his knees closing a bit making me chuckle.

"Relax, Doctor I'm not going to, not yet," I stated he exhaled as his body relaxed.

"But what about you?" he questioned his
expression evidently with concern.

I couldn't help but smile at his cute expression while my mind ran with mischief.

It's always fun to tease him.

"What about it? Do you want to help me out?" I teased smiling while Oliver only averted his eyes from me.

He went silent for a minute making me worry only for him to nod his head.

"Okay," he states, surprising me.

"Lisichka, do you understand what you're saying?" I queried running my hands along his thighs.

"By helping I mean your hands touching my dick, Doctor," I clarified. Oliver only bit his bottom lip before prompting himself up on his knees before me.

"Oliver," I warned, my voice making him halt a bit only for a sec before he then placed his hands on my belt buckle.

I stared down as he unbuckled my slacks unzipping them. Hesitantly his eyes met with mine making my dick twitch at just the sight.

Although I rather his mouth around my cock I'll settle for his hands for now.

Giving him the motion to go on he slowly pushed my underwear instantly his eyes widen in shock as my cock sprung out long, thick, hard, and ready.

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