4 - I kissed a man

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Today's finally the day!

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Today's finally the day!

Walking down the hall to the patient's room a nurse of mine smiled seeing me before speaking.

"You seem very happy today, Dr.Blake," she grinned.

I am.

Because a certain patient who has been trying to make their pass at me for the past few weeks is going to be released today.

I'm headache-free!

"I am Nurse Rose," I beamed passing her by before walking into Mr. Mikhailov's room.

"Doctor," Ivan smirked, his eyes eyeing me up in down as I entered the room.

He was sitting up on the bed with his sweats on which were so damn fitted.

The way his shirt had clung to his abs outlining his muscles and his grey sweatpants were clinging to his thighs and print.

Let's say Ivan was quite large...

"You look certainly happy," he daunts getting up on his feet before making his way over to me.

"I do! You're being discharged to....day?" slowly I took a few steps back seeing as Ivan made himself very close to me but instantly he followed my every move.

"Are you happy to see me leave or because I'm all better?" he questions his mouth frowning at the first question making me roll my eyes.

"Both!" I chirped taking another step back but of course, again Ivan followed.

"Say, Doctor," he rasps, his hand taking mine in his before pulling me forward.

"You do know that we live in the same apartment complex, no?" he queried.

Oh, I forgot but there's still a chance I can avoid him.

"I don't know why you're scared of me. Am I that scary?"


"No," I lied.

Ivan's eyes darkened, and his hand immediately gripped my chin making my breath hitch.

"I hate liars, Lisichka," he growls.

My body shuddered in delight because of one word that I didn't even know the meaning of.

His Lisichka [MXM] ( slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now