17 - Holy shït!

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"What are you doing here?" Ivan questioned seeing the petite man laying naked on the floor of his office.

"I haven't heard from you in a while so I was thinking that I should come to surprise you-"

"Leave," Ivan barked before walking around him to make his way to his desk.

"What?! Come on Ivan I haven't seen you in months and this how you-"

"Dah, leave before I make you," Ivan growled taking a seat in his chair.

Carson huffed before getting up on his feet he grabbed the coat he came in with and put it on.

"Is this all because of that Doctor you're seeing?" Carson scoffed making Ivan's glare harden.

Immediately Carson shut up before gulping as he watched Ivan carefully.

"How you do know that?" Ivan queried narrowing his gaze.

"Really? You kiss the fucker in at a club and think no one would run their mouth?" Carson rambled.

Ivan got up to his feet and slowly walked his way over to Carson.

Without any warning, his gloved hand quickly wrapped around his throat choking him.

Lifting Carson in mid-air, Ivan tilted his head before smiling.

"Watch how you talk about him," Ivan seethed.

Carson tried to claw Ivan for just a gasp of air but Ivan was letting up.

"Boss!" Igor called stepping in.

Throwing Carson down Ivan looked towards Igor who ignored the gasping man in the corner.

"Viktor says there's a problem with the cargo dock,"

"I'll take a look at it but before I go lemme ask," Ivan began.

"Who let this fucker in?" Ivan growled.



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