35 - Russell's Past

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"I don't want to fight with you right now, Lisichka especially since we haven't seen each other in a week," Ivan sighed running a hand through his hair.

Oliver exhaled before biting his lip as he grabbed Ivan's hands leading him away from Ravi and the receptionist.

"I just want to know why you want to talk to my father and why it's so important that I can't know?" Oliver informed

"It's something about my work, my bratva, and I, certainly don't want you to get involved in it. You know I kill for a living but, you haven't seen that side of me, Lisichka, I do not want you getting scared of me,"  Ivan clarified.

Oliver's blue eyes stared into Ivan's green ones as he slowly smiled before nodding his head.

"Okay, I trust you," Oliver smiled confusing the Russian man.

"So, you're not mad at me no more?" Ivan queried.

"No, I just needed you to elaborate with me more than just saying you need to talk with my father " Oliver began.

"You're right I haven't seen that side of you yet and I'm very sure you know and I know that I'm not ready to see it yet," Oliver continued.

Ivan sighed before nodding his head. Oliver gasped suddenly when Ivan brought his hands to his neck before kissing them.

"I want you in my bed tonight," he rasped making Oliver's body shiver. Oliver licked his lips before shaking his head.

"I don't think that's what you deserve, Ivan," the doctor teased making the Russian man growled in defiance.

"You just said that you're not mad at me," Ivan stated in a way like a child who couldn't get what he wanted. Oliver smiled before rolling his eyes.

"I'm just teasing," Oliver confessed. Ivan smiled before gripping Oliver tighter. He leaned in the scent of the cologne that Oliver loved so much grew even stronger as he whispered something into his Lisichka ear.

"What did I tell you about teasing me, Oliver," Ivan rasped making Oliver's ass clench.

Russell exhaled and stared out the window unaware of whatever was playing on the  tv screen as he had a lot on his mind

Specifically, his son Oliver.

Russell was reflecting, had he failed as a father? Was he controlling and abusive as his son said he was?

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