8 - Giving me pleasure...

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Ding Dong!

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Ding Dong!

Looking over at my door confusedly I shook my head before making my way over.

Opening the door, which I immediately regretted seeing as I was met with my ex-wife Amelia.

"Oliver," she announced my skin crawling at the way she said my name.

"What are you doing here? Where's Emily?" I questioned. Amelia only scoffed before pushing her way into my penthouse.

"I left her at home," she stated as she walked around her eyes studying every crevice of my apartment.

"Then why are you-"

"Your dad he called me and say you want me back?" she grinned.

"I don't," I deadpanned.

"You do," she implicated folding her arms just then another knock came on my door interrupting us.

What is with all these visitors?

Going over to answer it, Amelia sneered at me.

" You're going to get that when you're talking to me?" She questioned sounding offended.

"Yes," I answered opening the door to reveal none other than Ivan.

"Lisichka," he murmured making my heart thump a bit.


The smell of his natural scent had hit my nostrils like a wall of bricks.

It was so intoxicating.

"What are you doing here?"

"Who is this?" Amelia asked eyeing Ivan like he was a piece of meat.

Ivan's eyes immediately went to Amelia studying her before rolling his eyes over to me.

"His man," he replied walking himself in.

No one ever asks me to come in.

"His what?" Amelia asked in disbelief.

"His man, the one who he rides every-"

"Ivan!" I shouted interrupting him. This man is so inappropriate.

What the hell is he thinking saying something like that.

"Wait you look familiar," Amelia says as she watches Ivan wrap his arm around my waist.

His Lisichka [MXM] ( slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now