18 - Far too gone

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Oliver was on edge

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Oliver was on edge. After he had come home from the mall and split ways from Connor.

He couldn't help but keep checking his phone.

Ivan hadn't replied yet which Oliver would prefer if he did.

Did he not like it? Was the lingerie too much?

Emily had gone up to bed a long time ago, only leaving Oliver up with his frantic thoughts.

Oliver sighed checking his phone again.

Russian man is typing...

Oh shit!

Meet me in my apartment by the next 5, Lev will let you in.

'That's all? Nothing about the outfit?' Oliver thought.

Make sure you're wearing that, Lisichka.

Oliver bit his lip nervously, he wondered how Ivan would react that he hadn't taken it off yet.

Connor had suggested that he should get used to it. Well, Oliver couldn't put all the blame on Connor since he unknowingly somehow felt sexy in it.

So why not keep it on?

I can't, Emily.

Oliver replied taunting Ivan. He could easily slip out and slip back in since Em was asleep.

Lisichka, if you won't be by me in five wearing what you bravely sent to me then I'll be at yours.

Oh damn.

Hearing the knock on the door made Oliver jump. Taking a deep breath in Oliver hesitantly made his way over to the front door, and opened it.

"Lev!" he greeted, knowing the face of Oliver's bodyguards.

"Are you ready, Dr. Blake?" Lev queried. Looking back behind him Oliver slowly nodded before Lev motioned his head to follow him.


Once they came out of the Elevator Lev pulled out Ivan's key card letting Oliver in.

"The boss will be arriving shortly," Lev said before the door closed, leaving Oliver alone in Ivan's penthouse.


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