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But I can see us lost in the memory
August slipped away into a moment in time
   'Cause it was never mine

—Taylor Swift—
                    ❦[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I walked down the busy roads of New York trying my best to not get hit by cars flying down the street. It was hard trying not to bring attention to yourself when you have a witch suit on in the streets.

I walked down a small little neighborhood. I walked passed a few houses stopping in front of one, I rose a hand up to the door, I hesitated at first. Would he even be happy to see me? I haven't seen him in a while.

I decided to man up and knocked on the door twice, I waited for a while looking around, and I heard stuff being moved around.

  The door was forcefully pulled open and a man stepped out "What do you_" But the man's face eye's landed on me, his eyes wide in surprise looking at me "Wanda?"

"Hi Alex," He stood there in shock. I snapped my fingers in his eyes "Earth to Alex," He pulled me into his house.

"What are you doing here? What are you wearing?" He said looking at my suit.

"What you don't like it?" I said sarcastically "And I could say the same for you, you use to dress nice, and you had better hair cuts," poking fun at his hair.

He walked up closer to me "You'll look. . . different?" He gave me a look of confusion.

He stood there towering over me "What do you mean "different" I'm still the same person, look I need a place to stay and I was wondering_"

He shook his head back and forth "No, and we both know that's not true, look at you, you took over a whole town and you hurt those people,"

He wasn't wrong but it still hurt coming from him.

"Look I made a mistake and I'm sorry but_"

"But what Wanda, I can't keep defending you every time, you hurt those p_"

"I get it!" I was tired of him talking about the mistake I had made.

He seems to get the picture "I'm sorry," He said not even looking at me.

"It's okay I'm just tired I haven't slept in days, I had been harassed by multiple people on my way here," He stooped closer to me, holding my hand "Look you're the last person I have right now,"

"Listen I would let you stay but. . . I have a lot of stuff going on, I just got out of a terrible relationship and she's still following me everywhere I go,"

I stared deeply into his gold Brown eyes "I'm sorry about what happened_"

"It's not your fault. . . It's just very overwhelming," He ran his fingers through his hair. We sat there in silence not saying anything "Look I'll make a deal with you, you can stay here as long as you need but the only thing I ask for you is that you get help,"

I was taken aback by this "help? I don't need help I'm fine, I'm fine," I said.

"Don't get mad when I say this but you are kind of a danger to Society," he backed up when he said it.

I balled my hands into fists "what?"

"Don't kill me," he said raising his hands in fear of me.

I walked closer to him "I'm not going to hurt you, you know I will never hurt you,"

"I know but it just. . . . . I can't explain it, but do you agree with the terms,"

I tossed my hair back "Fine."

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now