13//Be Alright

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                       Baby, don't you know?
              All of them tears gon' come and go
      Baby, you just gotta make up your mind
      That every little thing is gonna be alright
                        Baby, don't you know?
            All of them tears gon' come and go
        Baby, you just gotta make up your mind
                               We decide it

                         —Ariana Grande—

                   [ Wanda Maximoff ]

Teddy and Alex, we're both in the backyard playing with nerf guns. I watched them through the kitchen window, I smiled to myself at this. Alex lifted Teddy onto his back giving him a piggyback, I heard the door open and both of them walked through the door. Teddy was smiling like crazy and Alex hair was all in a mess.

Alex carefully let Teddy down off his back, Alex came up behind me kissing me on the cheek "What are you making here?" He asks me, looking at the bowl in my hand.

"Cookies," He tried to reach his hand into the bowl but I smacked his hand away.

"What was that for?"

"I'm not done with them," He snarled at me. He ran his fingers through his hair. I asked Teddy to help me put the cookies in the oven.

I decided to lay next to Alex on the couch, he wrapped his arm around me, Teddy decided to lay with us, He laid to side of me.

I played with his soft dark brown hair, he looked like a younger Alex, he had beautiful light brown eyes and soft curly hair. I felt Alex run his fingers through my hair.

I turned off the oven with my magic, I didn't want to leave the couch, so I placed the cookies on the counter waiting for them to cool down.

Teddy had fallen asleep on top of me but I didn't mind it, I wrapped my arms around Teddy so he wouldn't fall off the couch.

Alex wrapped both of his arms around me and Teddy "My two favorite people." He had whispered in my ear.

He rested his head on top of my head. I created a blanket to cover all of us, He fell asleep still having his arms around us.

I rested my hands on Teddy's head, I rested my head on against his chest feeling his heartbeat.

. . .

I'm sorry if this chapter is a little short
But I hope you guys still like it :)

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