25//Bad Decisions

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We got that hood love
  We got that good love
  Make me make bad
Boy, you make me make bad decisions
Bad boy, you make me
make bad decisions
                           —Ariana Grande—

                     𖡛[Teddy Rodriguez]𖡛

I had been helping my uncle take down pictures off the walls, he took them out of the frame and put the picture's in a box that I had to carry around "Alex why are you taking all these photos down?"

He looked down at me with a soft smile, he took another photo out of the frame throwing it in the box "I'm with Wanda, so I don't need these anymore," He looked down at me. "When you're older, you will understand,"

I let out a sigh of annoyance "Why do all adults say that," I cocked my head to the side staring at my uncle.

"Well because us adults try to protect children, from things you should not know about,"

"So you have sex with Wanda downstairs but you can't tell me something as simple as a relationship, why?"

"How do you know that?"

"You guys are so loud," I said. I sat down the box of photos on the ground "Just tell me, I'm not five anymore,"

He gave an ear to ear to smile "I know, I know," He put the last photo in the box "She would have been your aunt but it didn't work out, she thought I was cheating on her and she would make up lies about me,"

"Why would she do that?"

He hesitated for a long moment "I don't know, but I moved on,"

"Does that mean Wanda is going to be my aunt?"He smiled and rubbed the top of my head.

"Do want you her to be your aunt?"

I nodded my head "I like her more than Laila,"

"Don't say that—"

"But She acts like a bitch!"

"Hey, how did you learn that word?"

I crossed my arms staring up at him "You say that word at all times,"

"Just don't tell me your parents, and if I find out you told them your dead,"

I nodded my head"Okay Grandpa, so if you have kids with Wanda that will make me an older cousin?"


"I don't want you to have kids,"


"Because If you have kids that means you and Wanda will forget about me,"

He rubbed the top of my head messing up my hair "You know that will never happen, I love you and besides you are basically my kid."

I walked over to the couch to Sparky, he was laying on his back. I picked him up, Uncle Alex turned to look at the two of us "My two favorite animals."

I rolled my eyes turning my attention to Sparky his stomach grumbled. I placed him on the ground and I grabbed his dog blow.

I purred his food in his blow.

The door opened Wanda and Jack both walked through the door, they were both wearing their suits.

I ran over to the two of them, I wrapped my arms around Wanda, and she placed both of her hands on my face kissing both of my cheeks.

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