11//Is There Someone Else?

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                 is there someone else or not?
                  Cause I wanna keep you close
                  I don't wanna lose my spot
                       Cause I need to know
If you're hurting him, or you're hurting me
           If I ain't with you, I don't wanna be
                Is there someone else or not?

           —The Weeknd—

                 ❦[ Wanda Maximoff ]

We all walked through the door, I felt really drained from the fight with the jackal. I used my powers to change back into an orange and jeans "Teddy will please go upstairs, I have to talk to Wanda about something." Teddy just nodded his head, he gave me a little wave before heading upstairs.

I tried my best to walk away from him, but he grab me by the arm and pulled me into the living room "What do want to talk about? I have nothing to say to you!" I said trying to keep my voice low enough so Teddy couldn't hear us.

He crossed his arm "When were you going to tell me that you liked someone?" He sounded really angry.

I gave him a dreadful look "I don't want to talk about this Alex," I said trying to walk past him but he was in front of me "Alex move out of my way," I snapped at him.

"Not until you tell me who this guy is,"

I pushed back my hair "I don't wanna talk about this, please?"

He still didn't move "Not until you tell, who this guy is?"

I crossed my arms "Why does it matter so much to you?" He looked like I just slapped him in the face.

"Because it matters to me, to make sure my friend is okay?" He sounded nervous.

"When were you going to tell me that you kissed Nina?" I sound circling him.

He stood there frozen "How did you find out?"

"You forgot I can read minds right?" He looked scared.

"You weren't supposed to find out—"

"It was a secret? What else did you do with her, did you sleep with her?!"

"No, I had never, we're not talking about me, we are talking about you?"  I looked at him, biting down on my nail "Why can't you just tell me?"

"I don't have to tell you shit!" I cussed at him "It really shouldn't matter to you anyways," I tried to walk around again but he grab my arm.

"What I did with her was a mistake, that should have never happened," He said in defense "Wanda, why can't you just tell me,"

"I can't,"

"Why not?!"

I slapped him across the face, he held his cheek and we both fell into a silence and he just stared at me "Because if I told you it, it will ruin our friendship and I can't lose you!" I said.

He slowly walked closer to me looking down at me.

I took in a deep breath "Is it me?" I looked down at the ground in shame. He lifted up my chin making me face him "Do you like me, Wanda?"

I hesitate at first but I slowly nodded my head He lowered his head close enough to my lips, he placed a hand on my hip.

He leaned in closer until our lips met. The kiss was unexpected but I didn't mind it, his lips were soft and warm.

I felt this warm feeling inside that I haven't had in a long time.

He slowly pulled away from me, licking his lips "I waited for too for that," He breathed out. I pulled him in for another kiss, this time rougher than the last one we just shared.

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