5//Brick By Boring Brick

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Well, go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle,
bury the castle


                  [ Wanda Maximoff ]

I sat on the couch, scrolling through different movies on Netflix, Alex was cooking in the kitchen,I kept scrolling through the different stuff on the TV. I threw the remote to the side walking towards him.

He turned his head to look at me "Yeah?"He said, he was a little taller than me so he had to look down at me.

"Sooo," I said dragging the Os "How's life going for you?"

"Better then yours," I pinched him in the arm.

"Asshole!" I whispered under my breath.

"Fucker!" He also whispered.

"What are you even making?" I asked him.

"Chicken Alfredo," He said boiling the water so he can put the noodles in.

I moved a little bit closer to him "The Last time I saw you, you could barely cook anything,"

"Well I did learn from the best," He smirked while saying it "Hey. . .um can you get the noodles?"

I grabbed the noodles off the counter by me,
He dumped the whole box in the boiling water.

"Now we wait."

I helped him clean up his mess and that's when the question popped up in my head "I know it's noun of my business but. . .how long since you and your "girlfriend" had been together,"

"Three years, two months five weeks and three days,"

"Wow, you really remember all that,"He looked down at his feet.

"Can I tell you something?" I nodded my head "I will tell you but. . .you promise to not tell anyone even my brother and sister don't know about this,"

"Of course you can tell me," I said.

"I was going to marry her. . ." I felt weird when he said this "I bought her a ring and everything but she thought I was cheating on her and she got mad when I talked to other girl's, she tried to stab my cousin with a knife because I hugged her,"

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said trying to reassured him.

"And the worst part is what she said—you what it's not important," He said trying to brush it off, he was trying to avoid.

"Come on tell me," I said pulling at his arm "Please, please,"

"Are you sure?" He said. I nodded her head "She was snooping through old photos and she came across photos of You and Me, She thought you and me were dating I don't know why she thought that,"

Alex was really good looking but I don't know if I would date him, a couple of years ago I had a crush on him but it went away quickly.

"Maybe there's something wrong with me, every time I get with a new girlfriend then ended up leaving me and I feel like I'm the problem,"

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