24//Playing God

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                     You don't have to believe me
                    But the way I, way I see it
                    Next time you point a finger
                     I might have to bend it back
                   Or break it, break it off

[Alex Rodriguez]

The sky turned into a dark gray cloudy sky, I heard the soft whistles of the wind outside, and then that was when the rain kicked in. I went downstairs my footsteps must have alerted Sparky. He ran over to me barking at me and licking my bare toes.

I rubbed his head and then his back. Both Wanda and Teddy were in the kitchen making something, from the smell of it smelled like cookies. I went over to them Sparky following right behind me.

Wanda had been instructing Teddy and I guess some of it paid off. I tried to take my finger into the mixing bowl but Wanda slap my hand away "They are not finished," She said. Her Sokovia accent came there as she spoke.

I grinned at this "You should talk more in that beautiful accent of yours," She blessed deep red, I couldn't control myself but giggle at it. She rolled her eyes at me. I placed a hand on my head as I watched Teddy carefully put place the cookie on the cooking sheet "Wow, you're getting better at this, are you sure you can never cook before?"

Teddy clicked his tongue and shook his head back and forth. I felt Sparky trying to jump on you. I went over to the pantry and took out some dog food and pour it into his bowl.

He immediately started eating the food without a second thought, sparky has gained a little bit of muscle since we first got him.

I heard a knock on the front door, at first, my initial thought was Who would come over at this time when it was raining and thunder? I got up to my feet and walked over to the door.

I pulled the door with so much force I thought I will rip it off the hinges. My breathing started to get heavy and I felt frozen in place.

My father was standing right in front of me, he was wearing a black trench coat and a hat.

"Hey, son,"

"Hi, Dad,"  I  didn't even make eye contact with my father. "How. . .how did you get my address?"

"I got it from your brother,"

"Umm. . .do you wanna come in or . . ." He nodded his head and I made a pathway for him. He took off his trench coat in his hat and place it on the coat hanger.

I walked back into the kitchen, Teddy and Wanda taking the cookies out of the oven "Grandpa, what are you doing here?"

"Hi, Teddy, and hello Wanda,"

Sparky started to bark and growl at my dad, I got down to my knees to try and calm him down.

"It's okay, Sparky It's okay,"  I rubbed behind his ears.

"Sparky?! who names their dog that?"

Wanda slammed the refrigerator knocking over stuff on the inside "I did!" She sounded very annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry my apologies,"

"Mmmm, whatever that means." She turned to me irritated.

Teddy bust out laughing. Wanda turned her head her Iris glowing a deep red "You know that doesn't scare me," Teddy was bold for saying that.

"If my magic doesn't scare and horror movies don't scare you, what does?"

"Alex's feet, have you seen his toes?" His face fell in disgust.

"His toenails are long they scratch me every time I go to sleep with him," They before started laughing and heckling.

"Okay that's enough," I said getting up to my feet. "So what brings you here again?" I said turning over to my father.

"Yeah, I have to talk about something with you,"

He sat down on the couch And I pull up a chair to sit across from him, I was not sitting next to him he smell like oil grease, and cigarettes.

"So I've had Heard from Marcus that you didn't want to see your mother,"

"Yeah and. . ?"

"That's all you have to say, she's your mother she gave birth to you—"

"She never cared about me, I find it very funny how this is the only time she wants me around—"

"Don't say that about your mother,"

"She's No mother to me!"

"Who feeds you, who put clothes on your back when you needed those things," His Became more irritated and very salty.

"First of all you guys barely bought me anything second of all if I failed a test you guys didn't even feed me for a week I had to eat with packs of Ramen noodles and cans of fruit,"

"Maybe if you acted like Marcus and Laila, you wouldn't have been a disgrace to our family or your mother,"

I sat there in long silence "And that's why I'm not seeing her again, if she was a real mother she wouldn't let her husband do the things she did to a child."

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt hoisting me up into the air.

Teddy ran to my side trying to pull me away from him. "Grandpa put him down! Please?!"

"Teddy stay out of this!" My father shouted it

"No, put him down,"

My dad let go of me but still held me with his other hand.

"I told you to stay out of it brat," He raised his hand getting ready to slap Teddy but red magic wrapped around his arm. "Let go of me, Witch!"

He dropped me to the ground picking up a vase, getting ready to throw it at her, but she stopped it with her magic "Was this supposed to do something?" She wrapped her magic around my father lifting him in the air "Now I'm a very reasonable person, all you have to do is simply walk away from this but if you come back here or if lay a finger on Teddy or Alex, I will have no problem killing you, am I clear?"

Wanda started To tighten her magic around my father crushing him "Fine, Fine! just put me down,"

"Okay," She dropped him to the ground, making him knock his head against the wooden floor.

Without any single words, my father gather his belongings and left.

My father left scarring on my neck but wasn't worried about me, I turned my attention over to Teddy.

I could tell by his expression that he was very bitter "Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,"

"You're a strong kid, I will never let him or anyone hurt you,"

"I wasn't scared about him hitting me, I was scared that he was going to hurt you,"

I was lost in words. I pulled him into a hug "I love you, Ted,"

"I love you more," Sparky joined us "Wanda, please join us,"

She walked over to us and I pulled her into the hug with us "I love you guys so much."

I kissed them both on their foreheads.

            A/n: So I'm thinking about giving
            Teddy his own chapter and
I'm thinking about giving him magic
Or for him to learn it from Jack or Wanda

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now