23// Tell me a story

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                 Tell you a story and it
                          starts with time
                       Moves to how you live
                      and learn how to die
                     Another phase in this
             world that brings deaths to life
        So don't believe in everything you see

     Phillip Phillips—
                 [ Wanda Maximoff ]

I and Teddy were both sitting on the couch, Sparky right in between us. We both shared a blanket and Teddy thought it was a good idea to watch a horror movie, Sparky would jump on our laps if a jump scary appeared. Alex left some time ago leaving the three of us alone.

I got up from the couch and entered the kitchen to get a drink. I didn't even notice the front door opening, Alex was holding a bunch of bags and boxes in his hand. I held out both of my hands using my magic to lift the box and the bags out of his arms.

He glanced over at me with a devilish smile "Thanks darling," He went over to Teddy kissing him on his forehead and gave a kiss on Sparky's head. He walked over to me with the biggest smile on his face. He lead me down kissing me on the lips, I kissed him back with no hesitation. We pulled away from each other "Somebody is in a good mood, what got you all excited?" I said.

"Seeing you," He said kissing me on the forehead.

"What's all this stuff anyways?" I asked pointing at the bags and boxes.

"Oh actually there's more, I'll be right back." He ran out of the house leaving the door open.

I laugh that his enthusiasm. Teddy walked up to me Sparky following him right behind him "Wanda? I think my uncle is broken, he's a little too. . . different!"

"Is it a good difference? Or a bad different?"
He shrugged his shoulders, looking at all the stuff that was in the living room "But what has gotten to your uncle? he reminds me of the Grinch,"

"The Grinch?" Sparkly tried to climb on top of me, I picked him up and started to cradle him like a newborn baby "What gave you the idea to name him Sparky?"

I stopped for a moment and thought back to my memories of Westview "When I created this thing called the hex, I made two children, two twin boys Billy and Tommy. They were around your age and they got a dog walk the streets named Sparky, when I took on the heck some of my children disappeared," I tried to hold back tears from thinking about what happened "So I named him Sparky because it makes me think of my kids,"

Teddy wrapped his arms around me "Please don't cry, Wanda,"

"Thanks, kid I needed that." I started wiping tears off of my face. He just smiled and nodded. I heard some shuffling at the door and Alex caring another box.

"Okay, so I'm back, and ai have gifts for you guys,"

"Don't we have to get ready for Peter and Jack's graduation soon?"

"Yes, we're going to go. . . but just come and check these out,"  I placed Sparky back on the ground "So Teddy, here you go," he handed him a box and a bag.

Teddy open the lid of the box and his face turned into pure excitement "New shoes and they're just the ones  wanted for a very long time, and new clothes, thank you uncle,"

"And now Sparky," Sparky turned his attention to Alex, Alex dumped out some chew toys "So you'll have something else to chew on instead of my slippers," He looked up at me "Now I've always saved the best for last," he said turning his attention to me.

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