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Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at
Centennial Park
I usedtothink I would
meet somebody there

           — Taylor Swift —

[ Wanda Maximoff ]

Alex had rested his head on my lap, he had been trying to make friendship bracelets for the last seven minutes. He would cuss under his breath every five seconds, I had made about nine bracelets. He threw the half-made bracelets across the room hitting the fireplace mantle. He folded his arms across his chest as he huffed in annoyance. I ran my fingers through his hair.

Kissing him on his forehead. "Why is it so hard?" He says, picking up more beads and thread. I rolled my eyes, laughing at his small outburst.

I picked more beads and thread and started putting them together. "I finished this in one minute,"

"I fInIsHeD tHiS iN oNe MiNuTe!" He said mocking me. I punch him in the arm. "Ow! I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Everyone in the house was asleep, we were the two wide awake in the middle of the night. We sat there at an uncomfortable dinner table, I wanted to block out what happened today with his father and them all fighting. He sat up leaning forward, watching as I made another. I grabbed his arm placing the bracelet around his wrist. "Beautiful," He grabbed one of his placing it on my wrist. "Now we can match!"

I kissed him on the cheek making him blush like a little boy. "Thanks." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Ew, you two are the most disgusting couple I have ever seen!" Teddy mumbled under his breath.

He walked over putting my bracelets into the bowls. "See isn't this fun?" I commented.

"Yeah, of course making bracelets instead of me eating, is really fun," Jack said throwing another bracelet into the blow. "And besides, when are we going to eat? I'm hungry?"

"Didn't you eat about a couple of hours ago?"

"And so? I still need to eat, Wanda I have been getting very skinny for the last couple of days. I'm trying to regain my muscles, I'm going to become a strong man." he said while flexing one of his muscles.

I and Alex giggle at his remark.

I know this chapter is
A little short but I promise
The next one will be way
Much longer than this.

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now