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It's me
I'm the problem, it's me
At teatime
Everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at
the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting
always rooting for the anti-hero

—Taylor Swift—
                   ❦[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I was in the kitchen with Jack and Teddy,  but I was focused on Marcus and Alex drinking and laughing over some football game that they weren't even paying attention to. Teddy was slowly getting better and he was getting taller.
Irene and Teddy's other two siblings sat down on the sofa. Marcus was trying to start a conversation with Jack but they all went awful, Jack would just stare or he would completely just ignore his existence.

I wasn't paying attention to them after a while, my focus was back on Alex, as he stood up to get a glass of wine from the table. He planted a kiss on my head. It still feels so surreal that he was mine.

I couldn't help but start sliming to myself. "You two are sickening," Teddy yelled.

I turned my head to the side, glancing at him "How do you even know that word?"

"I learned it from Jack." He said cutting up the onion without a single tear falling from his eyes.
I looked over at Peter who was talking to Irene, who gave him a very disinterested glaze.

Marcus came up to me. "So I see you have been teaching Teddy how to cook, I'm telling you that boy didn't even know how to cook kraft mac and cheese. . . And he never stops talking about all the things he has learned from you." I couldn't help but smile at that. "He looks up to you,"

"Aw, he's adorable, he's like a son to me,"

"Do you have any children?"

I turned my head standing face to face. "I had. . . Two beautiful twin boys, they were the same age as Teddy,"

"I'm sorry. . . If you don't mind me asking, how did they pass?"

"Well. . .they weren't real, I created them with my magic, and once I ended the hex they disappeared with it."

He just nodded his head. "I'm sorry about that—"

"It's not your fault."

I looked over at Alex, who wasn't paying any attention to us. He held the wine glass in his right hand as he watched the same on the TV. I walked over to the boiling water on the stove where the noodles were boiling. When I turned back around I jumped in fear letting out a scream.

Jack was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. "Don't do that!"

He cracked a smile looking me up and down. "You should have seen your face,"

"Fuck off,"

"No, you're stupid bitch." Jack decided to lose the curls he had, so he decided to get locs that met halfway down to his ear, but when you lift the sides he has a low top fade. I punched him in his arm pushing him to the side. "Is the food almost done? I'm starving,"

I turned my head to glare him down, I went back over to start cutting the chicken. "Well, maybe if you helped this could have been faster and you would have been eating right now. . ."

"Are you kidding me? I always cook for everybody, hell I was the one cooking breakfast this morning and you didn't help me," all I could do was mustered up a smile, I flicked my hand, and a scarlet mist formed around my ring finger. "If you're trying to mind control me it's not going to work."

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now