19//Stay beautiful

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And when you find everything you looked for
                  I hope your life leads you
                             back to my door
                             Oh, but if it don't
                             Stay beautiful

                           —Taylor Swift—

                   ❦[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I was going out to find a gift for Teddy since his birthday is coming up very soon so I was thinking that I should do something nice for him. I was on the phone with Alex and we were talking about what we should get for Teddy, we were bouncing ideas off of each other as I walked to the mall. We didn't know what to get for him but I know he was talking about new gaming consoles he wanted.

So I was a thinking about getting him a PS5, I walked into the gaming store and I was searching around for the gaming console. I kept looking but there was nothing; I heard somebody clear their throat behind me "Is there something I can help you with?"

I looked and I was surprised by who it was, Peter was standing in his work clothes and his hair in a mess, he was also wearing glasses. . . Tony Stark's glasses "Wanda? Umm. . .how can I help you—wait no I mean how are you?"

"I'm doing good, how about you?"

He rubbed the back of his neck "I'm doing good,"
I smiled to myself seeing him "I have a question, do you have any PS5?"

"Umm. . .yeah just follow me." I followed after him and he lead me. He picked up the box and handed it to me "Is this what your looking for?"

"Yes thank you,"

"I can actually check that out for you," He lead me over to the cash register and "Just swipe your card," I swiped the card and put in the code "How do you get the card?" Peter asked.

". . . Tony gave it to me a while ago, I never had the chance to use it,"

"Hey I'm about to go on break, do you wanna have lunch together,"

"I would like that."

I was sitting at the food court with Peter talking about different things "Thought you said you were working for the daily bugle," I asked him.

"Oh I still do, you know just trying to make more money that's all," He said wiping off his classes bit while still keeping his attention latched onto to me.

"You are growing up so fast, not that long ago you were fourteen? fifteen? when I had met you,"

"Yeah, it feels weird and now I will be graduating very soon. . .It doesn't feel real," I nodded my head listening to him speak "How are you and Alex doing?"

I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear "Things have been going good for the most part, I'm actually buying his nephew this PS5 since his birthday his coming up very soon,"

He smiled to himself "I knew it wasn't for you, because you don't like video games,"

I shook my head in disagreeing with him "That's not all true, I like video games," He started to laugh at this.

"Stop lying to yourself

"C'mon Pete,"

He stopped laughing and a little serious. He put his glasses back on his face "Are you going to come to the graduation?" He asked me sound really nervous.

"Of course, I'm you know I would never miss it," he looked up from his bowl of french fries and he stared at me with his big brown eyes; his eyes are very mesmerizing they always can't remind me of a puppy.

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