27//That's What You Get

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                      ' I drowned out all
                             my sense with the
                           sound of its beating
                      And that's what you get
                  when you let your heart win


[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I fell asleep in the car as I waited for Teddy and Alex to get out of the store. I had the seat laid back and my feet on the dashboard, I had been asleep for a while and when I went to go check my phone about two hours had passed and I was so bored.

I started to upick up things in Alex's car randomly.
Random thought's passed my mind some of me and Vision and then of me, Billy and Tommy, I blinked some tears away from my eyes.

All of my emotions have been a rollercoaster for the last couple of days, I was happy one wait with Teddy and Alex. . .  and then the next moment I would blow up at Alex of little things.

I know I was just being an asshole to him for no reason, but I couldn't control it, I don't know why it's just when I'm thinking about Vision or my children I get all nervous or angry.

I felt trapping on my window snapping me out of my thoughts. I unlocked the car for Teddy and Alex.

Teddy hopped in the back seat of the car "Where's your uncle?" I asked.

"He's still in the store, he said he had some more things to get."

I kicked my feet back up laying my head back, I waited a little bit to see how long would I be able to go to sleep again.

but yet again I was interrupted by the car and locking the door opening and slamming shut. Alex handed Teddy a bag.

I heard him crack his knuckles resting his hands on the steering wheel. I knew he hear still mad at me for what happened last night.

It I placed both of my hands on his face turning his head. "Yes?" He looked very tired, I know he didn't get any sleep last night.

"Are you okay?"

He blinked a couple of times. "No, I. . . I just had some more work to do,"

"Yeah, I heard you typing on your laptop all through the night,"  I rubbed his face. "Just don't stay up to late again,"

He licked his lip looking at right at me "I'll try,"

"You guys are disgusting, if you're guys just going to have sex go behind a dumpster or something?"

I and Alex both turned to look at him "Okay, whatever that means,"

"Hope you guys feel ashamed of yourselves. . . really disgusting, you guys are dry humped on the kitchen counter last night," Alex face fell.


"And I'm almost finished," Teddy said pointing a finger and Alex face "What else is really disgusting is eating thin crust pizza, Who the hell likes thin crust?"

"You know who he sounds like?"






Teddy and I were both in the kitchen, I was teaching him how to cook. Teddy was pretty good on his own. Alex was seated on the couch with Sparky seating on his lap, seeing the both of them made me happy.

I watched Teddy carefully as he was cutting up the food at an inhuman speed. "Wanda?" Teddy called out to me.

"Yes, sweetheart?"  My voice cracked at the end.

He placed down his knife on the cutting board and looked up at me. "Why are you dating my uncle?"

I laughed at the question "Because, he's handsome, funny, hardworking. He's not perfect but he makes any day better,"

"I can see funny and hardworking but handsome, really." I punched him in his arm and we both laughed.

I heard a knock at the door. I went to go answer it I pulled the door open, I was taken aback. "So after all these months you don't call or text?"

I wrapped my arms around him. "I missed you,"
Clint rubbed the top of my head.

"I missed you more, kid," I buried my head in his chest.

"How did you find me?"

"Jack told me, you'll be here,"

"I'm glad you're here, there is someone I want you to meet." I step to the side to let him through. I pulled Alex off of the couch.

"Clint, this is Alex, he is my boyfriend,"

Clint's face fell "Boyfriend? I have missed a lot,"

Alex held out his hand "Nice to meet you, Sir,"

Clint shook Alex's hand "Nice to meet you too, you have a very lovely home,"


Teddy walk up beside me "Wanda, who is this?"He pointed at Clint.

"Umm. . .Teddy this is Clint Barton, Clint this is Teddy, Alex's nephew"

"Wait. . . You're Hawkeye! You're like my favorite Avenger besides Spiderman or Doctor Strange,"

"Wow, I thought I was your favorite,"

He looked up at me with his deep dark eyes."Your my number one favorite," I ruffled his head.

Clint put both of his hands in his pockets staring at me "Wow, it has been a while," He spoke. "I heard about Westview and with you and Jack. . .I'm sorry about what happened to your children,"

I grabbed his hand. "They would have loved you,"

He pushed back my hair and started to smile. "It's weird seeing you all grown up, and I see you have a very good support system around you,"

I looked at Teddy and Alex. "How's life treating you?"

"I'm doing pretty good besides having someone else who wants to be the next Hawkeye,"

"Is there anything I can get you—?"

"No, I have to get going anyways," He pulled me into another hug "Be good, and make sure to keep in touch,"

I walked out the door watching him get on his Motorcycle, He gave me one finally goodbye before leaving.

I realize how bad this
Chapter is but I will
Make it up to you
Guys with something better
And I will go back to edit
This chapter.

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