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                         So you can keep me
         Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
           Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
                       You won't ever be alone,  
                      wait for me to come home

Ed Sheeren—

[Alex Rodriguez]

I woke up in my bed looking around the room. I looked out the window and saw that it was light outside. I slumped back down in my bed. I rolled over and try to wrap my arms around Wanda but she wasn't there.

I looked around the room to see if she was there, I got up from my bed and put on some clothes. I walked out of the room and I checked into the guest bedroom, it was only Teddy who had been sleeping.

I closed the door trying to be as quiet as I can so I wouldn't wake Teddy up. I walked downstairs and I looked in the living room and the kitchen, She wasn't anywhere in the house. I went outside.

She was seating on the bench "I had been looking for you," I said. Looking down at her. She smiled and patted a spot next to her on the bench. I sat down looking at the ground, I had stolen a couple of glances at her "Why did you leave?" I asked her.

Her smile grow "I had to get some fresh air and I had to think,"

I turned to face her "Think? Think about what?"She gripped my hand looking at me.

"About us,"

I nodded my head in agreement "Oh yeah, look I understand if you don't want to be in a relationship, I'm not going to put you through something that makes you uncomfortable," She raised an eyebrow at me "What?"

She giggled at this "Look I really do want a relationship but. . ." She flicked her eyes back and forth from the ground back up at me "Are you sure you want a relationship?"

"Of course, I want to be with you, every time I'm with you, you make me feel like I can be myself around you, and you are an amazing person and I love that about you,"

I pushed back her beautiful red hair, I loved how curly her hair was. I leaned in our lips met, she immediately kissed me back. It didn't feel awkward, it felt normal, her lips were so soft and warm.

We both pulled away from each and we both started laugh for no reason.

"Come back upstairs with me, before Teddy wakes up,"

I got up from the bench and held out my hand for her, She gladly accepted, I pulled her onto to her feet as I lead her through the house and upstairs.

We made up to the landing but we stopped at the top of the steps, seeing as Teddy who was a wake, He was wearing red and blue spiderman pajamas and Donald Duck slippers. He stares up at us while rubbing his sleepy eyes "Why are you two holding hands?" He pointed to both of us. I looked down at my hands and I and Wanda immediately pulled away from each other.

"Umm. . ."

"You don't have to hide anything from me, I heard you guys last night,"

My face fell when he said that "Umm. . . I'm sorry about that kid," I said scratching the back of my neck. Wanda looked too embarrassed to say anything.

"It's okay hear it all the time with my parents at night,"

Wanda had a shock look on her face "Can you keep this a secret from your parents or anyone in the family,"

"Mmm. . ." He started to rubbing his chin "Twelve dollars," He held out his hand.

I turned my head and Wanda was laughing "What?"

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