7//Rumor has it

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                 She made your heart melt
But you're cold to the core
Now rumor has it
  she ain't got your love anymore


  [ Wanda Maximoff ]

I and Alex were both placed into the same cell, they took us out of our handcuffs. I was confused about what I and Alex did, I couldn't help but think about what we did until my thoughts were interrupted by Alex's tapping his foot against the ground "Will you stop it!" I hissed at him. He turned to look at me with a confused expression on his face.

He crossed his arms over his chest "Don't yell at me!" He snapped at me.

I put my head in between the bars, I was trying to get the attention of the guard "You let us out what are we here for. . ?"

The man placed down his newspaper and stare at me "Property damage," the man looked interested.

"I barely destroyed anything, it was that dragon." I turned over and I faced Alex, I sat right next to him.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," I apologized to him. He bite down on the left side of his lip, He laughed at the apology "At least I'm trying to become the bigger person,"

"Whatever that means," I punched him in his arm "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," I rested my head on his shoulder, I let out a huge sigh "At least if I was going to be arrested, I will rather be arrested with you," He said looking down at me.

I lifted my head to look up at him "Oh really?" He nodded his head, I placed my hand on his chin massaging his beard. He chuckled at this "You look better when you have the beard," I compliment him.

"Thanks," He said. I got up and went back over to the bars.

"Hey!" I said calling out to the officer.

He put down his newspaper down "What?"

"Don't I at least get a phone call?" I asked him.

The officer walked up to the cell unlocking the door.

"Ten minutes." He said letting me out. He handed me the phone. I put in the number and I let the phone ring for a little.

"Hello?" The voice said on the other side.

"Hi Jack," I said.

"Wanda?! Oh I saw you in the news today you were fighting some dragon-like thing,"

I let out a sigh "Yeah, actually I need you,"

"For what?" He asked.

"Me and Alex our at the police station,"

"Alex? I haven't seen him in a while,"

"Yeah, I need you to come to bale us out of here,"

"How much?"

"One thousand dollars,"

"What the fuck did you guys even do?"

"Property damage, I know it's a lot but I really need you,"

"Fine i'll be there in half an hour,"

"Thank you! Thank you I love you, Jack, not like that of course,"

"I love you too Wanda. . ."




I heard a noise coming from the bars "Inmates wake up!" I heard the voice of the office. I realized that I was sleeping on Alex's shoulder "There's someone here for you."  Alex wiped spit off of his cheek.

The officer open the cell door. Alex and I practically bolted out of there. Jack and Peter walked through the door "Wow, you guys look like shit!" He said.

"Asshole!" Alex said.

"Come on, I don't want to be here any longer."
We walked toward the car and all of us got in.

"Thanks for getting us out of there," I said.

"No problem, so what have you two been up to?" He asked us biting on his fingernail.

"Nothing much," I said Simply "What about you?"

"Better than ever, Peter and I were probably thinking about going out of town, you know taking a break from the city,"  Peter simply nodded his head in agreement "So I'm guessing you and Alex are a thing or something like that?"

"No, just friends," Alex said.

"Okay, I see," We stopped in front of Alex's house "Here's your stop, and get out of my car,"

"Actually It's my car," Peter spoke.

"Whatever that means."

I and Alex walked through the door "I have to pick up my car since the police took my car away,"

I chuckled at this "Goodnight Alex,"

"Good night Wands. . ."

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now