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        I can't be your friend,
can't be your lover
Can't be the reason
we hold back each other
from falling in love
With somebody other than me

             —Conan Gray—

                    [Alex Rodriguez]

I was waiting in the car for Wanda to come outside, I was replaying last night's events; I don't know why I yelled at her last night, all she wanted was the best for me and I completely messed up, She slept on the couch with Sparky, they both didn't talk to me when I tried to give him food he wouldn't eat it.

I heard the car door open and close, I looked over at Wanda, she was wearing a gray sweater with blue and red stripes on both sides around the arms and dark blue jeans.

I scratch the back of my neck "Umm. . . you look very beautiful today," She didn't say anything to me "Look, I'm sorry about what I said to you last night I was wrong, I was way out of line, and I was mad at you because you were right,"

She turned to look over at me "Huh?"

"When I'm around my dad, it always bring backs bad memories from my childhood and nobody else in my family knows about it, my siblings don't even know about the things he use to do to me,"

She sat up straighter in her seat "How they don't know?"

I took in a deep breath "My mom would take them over to see my grandparents or take them to the backyard, I'm only doing this for Teddy,"

She leaned over to my side and wrapped her arms around me, I wrapped my arms around her even tighter.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before pulling apart from each other, She planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You're so strong, that's why I love you so much,"

I placed my head on her cheek "I love you so much," She blushed a deep red and I couldn't help but giggle at her. I pressed our foreheads together "Can you promise me something? You will stay until the end with me?"

"I think we both know the answer to that," She said buckling her seat belt "Now come on before were late."






I pulled into the driveway of my brother's house, I didn't finish parking the car before Teddy ran out of the house. I got out of the car and he wrapped his arms around my legs "I missed you," He said against my leg.

I rubbed his head "I missed you more," Wanda got out of the car with the present in hand.

He turned his attention to Wanda "Happy Birthday kid,"

"Thank you," He wrapped his arms around her "What's that?" He pointed at the wrapped present.

"That's for later," I said taking it out of Wanda's hands.

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now