30//The Weekend

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My man is my man, is your man
Heard it's her man too
           My man is my man, is your man
Heard that's her man
                     Tuesday and Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday
I just keep him satisfied
            through the weekend

    [Alex Rodriguez]

When we got to the cabin it was around two in the afternoon. We all unloaded the bags I carried me and Wanda's bags, the "cabin" had two floors, there was two bedrooms and another bedroom downstairs. My grandparents would take me and my siblings here when I was younger.

Wanda pulled out Jack's headphones out of his ears. "Yes miss bitch?!" He said crossing his arms over each other.

"Don't call me a bitch!"

"Fine, yes miss hoe?!" She ruffled his hair, messing up his curls. "Hey, I'm not a little kid anymore, Wands," He said brushing off her hand.

I pulled the key from my pocket putting it in the keyhole, I opened the door and got air smacked me in the face.

"Ladies first,"

"Okay, then you go then," Jack shouted. Peter punched him in the arm, and I formed a smile.

Teddy pushed past all the three of them carrying his bag over his shoulder, I followed right after him dropping the bags on the ground.

Teddy stared up at the photos on the walls. "Is that you?" He asked pointing at a picture. I took the photo off of the wall and stared at it for a very long time.

"I haven't seen this in years, that's me and that's your dad," I was around eight or seven when I took the photo, and Marcus was around ten. when me and Marcus younger we were so close, that people thought we were twins.

"Aww, you were so adorable," Wanda said having her head over my shoulders.

I placed the photo back on the wall. Teddy took his bag room which would be right next to Peter and Jack's.

"So where I'am going to sleep?" Teddy asked. I turned him around and point to the a red door on one side of the hall. "That's where you're going to be sleeping at? And Jack and Peter are going to be right across the hall from you,"

He took his bags and walked away from us. I looked at some of the other photos on the wall and I couldn't help but smile. "That was my seventh birthday party, Lila pushed my face into the cake,"

I couldn't really remember what happened before then but I guess I made her mad and she wanted "revenge" on me.

Wanda stared at the photo for a while laughing at my face in the picture. "What happened to your teeth?"

"I had a baseball game a couple of days before and I got hit with the ball in the face,"

I heard Jack laugh out loud in the background. Jack walked over to me. "Is that you when you were baby?" Jack asked pointing to a picture with me on my dad's lap, I was around four to six months old.

That's when my dad still had some hair on his head. "Yeah, that's me and my dad—"

"Wait that's your dad?!"

"Yeah, why?"

"Your dad is my old math teacher, I'm sorry to say this but I hate your dad,"

"Me too,"

"He's a stupid bitch, and he always talked about his children never visiting him, and he goes on and on about his wife that's about to die. . .The only time I like him is when he's wasting class time,"

"I thought you liked Mr. Rodriguez all of his stories," Peter asked.

"That's what you thought," Jack played with a ring on his finger. "You're dad is weird, if I tell you this don't go repeating it, okay?" We both nodded our heads at his order. "Good! I'm really saying this to Wanda,"

"Why me?" Wanda said resting her hand on her hip.

Jack crossed his arms over each other. "Because you can't hold water,"

She looked up at me. "We'll it is true," She punched me in the arm.

"Anyways, you're dad is kind of a creep. . . I could see him stare at girls asses in the halls and he used to sit on my desk."

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