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                             So scarlet, it was
                        The mark thеy saw on
                               my collarbone
                            The rust that grew
                      bеtween telephones
            The lips I used to call home
              So scarlet, it was maroon

                               —Taylor Swift—
[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I and Teddy were playing card games on the dining room table. Teddy was beating me, I was kind of annoyed that I was losing to a ten-year-old. Peter was keeping score, I stared down at Teddy, he didn't pay me any mind, and he threw down his last cards. "Now! I take my payments in cash or Apple Pay," He said holding out his hand.
I pulled out twenty dollars, he took the money. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"I'm so confused, how did I lose to a child?" Peter chuckled under his breath.

"If it makes you feel better, I lost to Teddy before." I got up from the table and threw myself onto the couch.

Teddy sat down next to me. "Wanda, Where's Alex?"

I rested my head on his lap. "He's in the back chopping wood,"

I ran my fingers through my hair, I felt Teddy breathe, the slow rise of his belly hit the back of my head.

Teddy pushed my head off of his lap. "You're head is heavy,"

"And you're a little shit!"

He smiled at this, he folded his arms. "Don't get hurt now," He said. I pushed him and he pushed me right back.

I stood up to my feet. Jack came out of the room, he was wearing a light blue shirt and underwear, he was wearing his glasses, and his hair was in a mess.

I was about to greet him but he raised his hand to my face stopping me from getting a word out.
He flopped onto the couch. "Is that my shirt...?"
Peter asked him.

Jack looked down at the shirt, his eyes widened in surprise. "Well, you did put it in my bag," He said. He held out his hands, I pulled him onto his feet. "Where's your boyfriend?"

I gave him a light punch in the arm. "He's out in the back chopping up,"

"So, I'm going to be straight up with you, are you going to marry Alex?"


"I'm just asking. . . And besides, I want it to happen," He said. He licked his button lip. "And I have a feeling you guys are going to grow together. . ."

"And how do you know if that's true?"

He stood up straighter having both of his arms at his side. "Because. . .I am a mastermind," He raised a finger to his head.

I nodded my head trying to make the situation less awkward.

I sat down back on the couch. I heard the door open, and we all faced seeing Alex walk in with an axe he was holding in his hand. He was shirtless and sweating all over him.

He put the axe in the closest, He walked over to me kissing me on the cheek. "Good Morning, Beautiful," He walked over to Teddy kissing him on the forehead. He walked over to Jack ruffing up his hair. "Jack, where are your pants?"

Jack gave him a death stare, he knocked his hand off of his shoulder. "I was too tired to pants on...where's your shirt?"

"It was too hot to wear a shirt, duh!"  Peter rolled his eyes folding his arms over the other. "What are you guys talking about?"

Teddy shuffled around in his seat, he was clicking his tongue. "Jack believes he's a mastermind!!"
Peter mocked him. Jack punched me in the arm.

I laughed at the two, I love their relationship. "Because I'm a mastermind, literally if it wasn't for me, most of the avengers would've lost,"

I shook my head in disagreement. "That's not true at all," I said running my fingers through my hair. "Steve was the one with the ideas, you on the other came up with the weirdest and the creepiest plans,"

He pushed up his glasses.

"What the fuck is that smell?" Teddy yelled.

Jack smacked the back of his head. "Watch your mouth," After a little while, Jack started to
sniff the air. "Ugh! What the fuck is that smell?"

"Oh, so you can it but I can't, that's some bullshit!" Teddy protested.

"Alex, you smell musty go take a shower!"

"You bitch!"

"It's true though, you do smell,"

"Fine,  I'll get in the shower. . ." He walked upstairs to the shower that was in our room.

Jack had a devilish smile on his face when he left. He pointed at me mouthing me to go upstairs. I got up from the couch and walked upstairs.

I opened the door to the room we shared, I heard the water running in the bathroom. I closed the door locking making sure no one could get in.

I slowly opened the door seeking the bathroom, there was a smoky haze. I saw through the shower curtains the silhouette of Alex. I started to undress. I stepped into the shower.

I traced his collarbone with my fingers, He turned his head. He had a small smile on his face.
He put a hand on my hip, he had the bar of soap grip in his hand. The shower water purred down my back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he rubbed the bar of soap down my back. His hands slid down my back.

He flickered his eyes, eyeing me up and down. I felt my heart race inside my chest. He lowered his head.

His lips pressed up against mine. He lifted me by my legs.

I used my powers to turn off the water.

He carried me to the bed, and he laid me down on the bed.

He hovered over me, he leaned down, and started kissing all over me. He flicks his tongue over my left nipple.

I moan and groaned as he rubbed his fingers over my clit. He started to finger my clit with his ring finger. He jammed another finger into me, he kissed me on the lips sliding his tongue into my mouth.

I groaned against his lips, I wrapped my arm around his neck.

I felt him slowly pull his finger out of me. his fingers lelt so good whenever he did this to me, the pleasuring feeling I felt down there when he did this to me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head.

He stood up to his feet, he spread my legs open. "Arch your back," he licked my juices off his fingers slowly.

I arch my back facing the door. He got onto the bed, He positioned himself in front of my entrance.

He slowly pushed his dick into me. I gasped gripping onto the covers and arching my back, I pushed back my hair.

He held both of my hips with his hands. He slowly began thrusting into me,  I still grip the bed sheets tightly as I moaned out loud.

My body shakes as he gives a hard thrust into me.  There was a little pain but I ignore it and eventually turned into pleasure.

He went faster and faster, I heard his soft moans behind me.

He groaned his hand slapping my ass and making a loud noise.

He started slamming into me again making my arch my back while moaning loudly.

He pulled in and out of me slamming into me. He leaned down kissing me on the lips.

I felt him bust inside of me, I felt myself drip onto him.

He pulled out of me and laid down next to me on the bed. I turned onto my back, breathing heavier
Then it started to slow down.

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now