21//Could've Been

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                            We could've been
                        And we try to pretend
                         Every now and again
                        We don't dream about,
                        don't think about what
                          We could've been


                  ❦[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I was sitting on the rooftop, I was wearing my Scarlet Witch suit and I was playing with an orb of my magic, just a few hours ago I was flying through the air helping Strange fight off monsters from another realm. It was late and I was thinking about so much, Jack and Peter's graduation was coming up very soon and Teddy's birthday was tomorrow and I was kind of worried about the first impression album make in front of Alex's family.

I know little about his family, I just know his dad is a fucking asshole who abuses someone so sweet and good, I didn't want to believe anybody I could do that to Alex, yeah Alex is the best person but he's all I have left.

I took in a deep breath of fresh air as the cold night air touched my face. I couldn't help but think about Vision, he would pop up in my mind from time to time; it still hurts thinking about him.

I heard someone climb up the ladder, Alex popped his head up as he climbed the ladder. He sat down right next to me on the roof, he held my hand. We didn't look at each other or even speak.

We sat there in silence, I listened to the wind and his breathing. Alex finally broke the silence he turned  to look at me as he spoke "I haven't seen you all day,"

I snuggled up against him "I'm sorry, I just needed to take time away that's all," I placed my hand on his leg.

"C'mon tell me the real reason,"

I turned my head my hair slapping his face "I'm not lying," I said defensively.

"Wanda, I know you better than anyone else, so please tell me what's bad?" He tilted his head to the side.

"I'm just worried about tomorrow that's all,"

He took a long pause staring at me with his deep brown eyes"Listen I don't want to worry you but—"

"Alex when you say don't worry about it, it makes me feel more worried than before,"

"I know, I know it's just that my family can be a little judgmental, and if you don't want to go it's fine—"

"Alex, I want to go, it's you I'm worried about,"

His face fell, he looked very irritated "Why would you be worried about me?" he pulled his hand away from me.

"Well you know from the things you told me, and the way Marcus said your dad and I could see in your eyes how —"

"How I what? I'm not some little kid Wands," He stood up on his feet.

"I never said that," I stood up on my feet.

"Well that's how it feels Wands," He said "I can deal with my father, I'm a grown man I'm not scared of him anymore and you know what it's none of your business!"

"I know that but what if—"

"Wanda just stop it! I'm done with this conversation." He turned around and went down the ladder leaving me alone on the roof by myself.

I sat down on the roof cross-legged, I wiped a tear that rolled down my cheek.

Maybe he was right it was none of my business.

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