20//The only Exception

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       When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry
                         And curse at the wind
        He broke his own heart and I watched
                    As he tried to reassemble it

                    [Alex Rodriguez]

I felt something heavy and soft lying on top of my head when I woke up, I felt a tail on my face and the growling of a stomach. I turned over in bed and as usual, Wanda wasn't there. I pushed Sparky off of me, Sparky started licking my face
and I tried to push him away "Okay fine I'm up."I looked over to check my phone, I saw five missed facetime calls from Marcus, I immediately sprung out of bed almost knocking over Sparky.

Sparky climbed on my lap, I was calling Marcus back; He answered the phone immediately "Took you long enough, wow! You look like shit!" I flipped him off through the phone, Sparky tried to claw on my chest "Wait is that a dog? I never took you as an animal person," He said in a very jokingly manner.

"I'm not, Wanda found him on the street yesterday,"

  "What's his name?"

"Sparky, and he's already being a pain in my ass," Sparky gave me a side eye "Don't give me that look! anyways besides that can you put Teddy on the phone?"

I heard him yell Teddy's name, Teddy ran to the phone snatching it out of Marcus's hands "Uncle Alex,"

"Hey, kid how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good, who's that?" He said pointing at the dog.

Sparky barked at me "This is Sparky, he's being a bad boy right,"  Sparky started to lick my face, Teddy was laughing on the phone "It's not funny, get off of me!" I try my best to push him off of me "Go found Wanda or something please leave me alone chew up some slippers," Sparky jumped off of me.

"Uncle, when can I come back over?" Teddy asked me.

"Ummm. . . how about after your party's over and you know you can stay over here for a couple of days, hey do you want to come to Jack and Peter's graduation?"

"Yeah, I like Jack, he's nice to me and he's cool," When I looked back up Sparky wasn't there anymore.

"Um. . . Ted, can I call you back?"

"Sure love you,"

"Love you too." I hang up the phone and I wobbled to my feet looking for Sparky. I walked downstairs and he was laying on the couch and Wanda was sitting right next to him.

I walked closer to them, I kissed her on her cheek "Good morning beautiful,"

She smiled at this "Good morning handsome," Her voice sounded deeper than before.

I getting ready to lean in for a kiss until Sparky stopped me "I think the dog is broken Wands,"

She picked up Sparky and held him close to her chest, the dog had his mouth all open "Are you jealous or something Al?"  She rubs his head.

"No!" I crossed my arms "Shouldn't Sparky have a collar on his neck, you know just in case something happens,"

She closed her fist and red energy formed in her hands and a collar appeared in her hands. She put it around his neck "There you go."

He jumped on me and I caught him "I think you have a fan," Wanda said.

"How funny," I felt Sparky's stomach growl "I guess someone's hungry." I placed him on the ground as I looked for something for him to eat.

I found leftover meatballs, I got on the ground with the pup as he came closer to me "Do you like meatballs, little guy?" I place the container on the ground. He sniffed the food before eating it. I rubbed his back up and down, he is very small he looked like he was about a month old not "How do something like you end up on the street?"

"I can see he's growing on you," Wanda said seating right next to me on the ground.

"Shut up Wands," She laughed at me "He's adorable."

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