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                 Do you remember all the city
                        lights on the water?
                   You saw me start to believe,
                            for the first time
         You made a rebel of a careless man's
                            careful daughter
  You are the best thing, that's ever been mine

                             —Taylor Swift—
                     ❦[ Wanda Maximoff ]

When I woke up the only thing felt was warmth. I look down at my chest, Alex's arms wrapped around my body. I turned over to look at him, I gave him a kiss on the head "I love you," he opened his eyes and tighten his arms around me.

"I love you more," He said. He kissed me on the forehead "I'm surprised you didn't leave," I buried my head into my neck. He rested his head on my head running his fingers through my hair.
I heard the rise in fall of his chest "You know much I waited for us to be like this? I loved you the day I met you,"

I removed my head from his chest "You don't mean that, Do you?"

He chuckled and stared at me for a long time "What did I do to deserve you?" I just smiled at this.

"I think it's the other way around,"

He shook his head and he grabs my hand "When we met all those years ago, I knew I lay my eyes on the most beautiful woman I've ever met,"

He rested a hand on my cheek "Oh really how come you were staring at my breast the whole time?"

He gave me an ear-to-ear smirk "Because I think you. . .have very. . . very beautiful boobs,"

I leaned over and kiss him on his cheek "I didn't know you can be sweet,"

"You be how surprised how much I've changed,"

I heard Alex's phone ring on the nightstand, he grabs and placed it to his ear "Yes Marcus?" He said through the phone "Mmmm. . .yeah I will make sure that he is ready." he hung up the phone.

"What was that about?"

"He was telling me that he going to pick up Teddy later," My face fell hearing that Teddy was leaving so soon. Alex must have noticed something was off "Hey I know you like the kid but he does have to go home,"

I nodded my head in agreement "I understand it's just. . .he remains me of my kids, Billy and Tommy, he so adorable. . . it's just I don't want him to leave,"

"Since summer is coming so soon I think we could stay at my grandparent's old cabin and probably take a road trip,"

"I like the sound of that,"

"You're right about that."

He kissed me on the mouth and wrapped his arms around me, I heard a knock on the door and we immediately pulled away from each other, we both covered ourselves with the blanket.

Teddy walked through the door with sleepy eyes, he crawled on the bed with us, and he snuggled right in between us "What are you doing?" Alex asked him.

"I felt alone being in that room, so I wanted to be in here with you guys."




I stood by the door and waited for Teddy to come down. I was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a t-shirt and a sweater. I heard both Teddy and Alex arguing "I don't want to go home!" Teddy shouted from upstairs. Alex came downstairs holding Teddy over his shoulder. Alex placed Teddy on his feet, Alex placed both hands on his shoulders.

"Listen, kid, as much as we want you to stay, you have to go home," I smiled at the two. Teddy wrapped his arms around Alex's neck.

Alex closed his eyes holding him tightly to his chest "I love you, Uncle Alex,"

"I love you more," Alex started tearing up.

"Uncle, are you crying?"

Alex hurried and wiped his eyes "No, no I. . .I just had something in my eye that's all." He stuttered.
I chuckled under my breath, Alex gave me his death stare.

I felt Teddy pull me into the hug with them, I wrap my hands around him giving them both kisses on their foreheads.

Teddy giggled at this "Ew You guys disgust me," I  turned around and Marcus was standing there.

"Dad!" Teddy shouted in excitement of his father.

"Hey kid, what are you too doing?" Alex got to his feet wiping his tears off of his ears.

"Nothing just saying goodbye that's all,"

Marcus nodding his head looking at Teddy towards me "Oh yea how much do I owe you,"

I scratched my nose and shook my head "No, the kid had grown on me," I said pulling Teddy in and hugging him.

"I'm glad to hear that," Marcus smirked.

"Dad! can they come to my birthday party? Please, please!!!" He begged.

"Umm. . .if it's okay with your uncle,"

I turned to look at Alex and his face fell"Umm.
. .I will have to think about it,"

"Teddy can you take your stuff and wait in the car,"

"Yes Dad, bye Uncle, bye Wanda." He said slinging his bag on his shoulder.

"Bye kid." Alex said.

"Bye," I said waving him bye. He gave me one last and I gave him a kiss on his forehead "Be good for me okay." He nodded his head and walked towards the car.

Marcus slammed the door the door behind him "What hell is wrong with you!" Marcus crossed his arms over his chest.

"What?!" Alex.

"Oh don't fucking act dumb now Alex, what's more, important than your nephew's birthday?"
Alex stood there confused, he didn't make eye contact with me.

"It's not that I don't want to not come its just is dad going to be there—"

"Why wouldn't he be there, that's his grandchild,"

"Can we not talk about this, right now?!" I could see he was holding back tears.

"Whatever! have a good day Wanda." He turned around and walked out of the door.

I just gave him a small wave. I locked the door with my magic.

I walked closer to him, he had his head lowered not looking at me. I placed both hands on his face, lifting his head.

Tears were falling down his face, I wiped his face with the palm of my hand "Don't cry, I hated it when you cry,"

He chuckled at this "I'm the one who usually says that to you. . ."

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