9//Better Left Unsaid

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And I swore that I would never say
I miss you more every day
But some things are better left unsaid
Are better left unsaid

                       —Ariana Grande—

[ Wanda Maximoff ]

I closed the door behind me. Teddy stood up and walked toward me "Where's Uncle Alex going?" I didn't even know where he was going the only thing I knew was he was going out and that was it.

"Umm. . .I don't know," His face fell when I said this. He sat down back on the couch. I went over to the sofa and sat down right next to him "Hey, Teddy,"

"Yeah?" He was flipping through the different channels on the television.

"What do you like to do for fun?" I asked him. I was trying to get to know the kid better.

"I like to play cards," He answered back.

"How do you know who the Scarlet Witch is?"

He turned his hand to look over at me "Yeah, my brother our obsessed with her,"

"Wanna know something. . . I'm her," the boy looked unimpressed.

"No your not, prove it then," He said. I stood up and I was covered in a cloud of red smoke and my Scarlet Witch suit appeared on me. Teddy jumped back in surprise "I guess you weren't lying,"

He circled around me "You like the suit?" He nodded his head.

"What can you do with your magic?"

I pressed both hands together and I formed a little red ball of energy in between my hands, I threw the ball of energy at the wall and it exploded into butterflies.

With the flick of a hand, all of the butterflies disappeared. I used my magic to change back into my regular clothes I sat back on the couch.

"Come on that cannot be it? Please?" He pleaded. He pulled on my arm, I stood up.

"Fine but you can't tell your uncle about this, he doesn't like it when I use my magic,"

"Deal," We both shook hands in agreement. I used my magic and turned the floor into a lake, we didn't fall through since my Magic was keeping us from falling through "Wow!" He looked down at the glowing water that was under our feet "What else you can do with your magic,"

I held out my hand "Do you wanna see?" I had a smirk on my face.

He grabbed my hand tightly, I held out my other hand and the room slowly turned into a dark smoky red.

The room turned into a great green forest, flowers popped out of the ground and grass came out of the walls.

Teddy let go of my hand and looked around the room.

He picked a red and pink flower out of the ground "For you." He said.

I took the flower out of his hand and created a glass ball. around the beautiful flower "Oh, shhh!" I had to stop myself from cussing in front of the kid "I have to make you dinner."

I flicked my hand and the room turned back to normal.

I used my magic to on the oven.  It was around nine O, clocks.

"I'm not hungry,"

"Your Dad and Uncle will be mad at me if I don't feed you," He sat on the countertop

"My dad or uncle doesn't care," He muttered under his breath.

I pushed my hair back "Why do you say that?"

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now