28 //New Romantics

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                  Baby, we're the new romantics
Come on, come along with me
Heartbreak is the national anthem
We sing it proudly
We are too busy dancing
To get knocked off our feet
Baby, we're the new romantics
The best people in life are free

                              —Taylor Swift—

                        [Alex Rodriguez]

"Uncle! Uncle!" I felt my body being shaken by Teddy. "Wanda! Alex!" I pushed him away from me. He grabs my hand trying to pull me out of my bed. "Uncle get your fucking ass up!"

I wiped the drool off of my face. "What do you want? And stop cussing," I said groaning. I sat up against my bed.

Teddy was already dressed, he was wearing black shorts, a t-shirt, and a red and black flannel having the sleeves rolled up. "Well, I've been trying to wake you up for the last eighteen minutes,"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "For what?"

"You forgot already, remember we're going on that road trip with Jack and Peter?" I got up from the bed which made Wanda wake up, I started to throw some clothes on the bed. "I knew you were gonna forget, so I packed all of you and Wanda's clothes,"

Wanda wrapped the blanket around her, She walked over to Teddy. "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat,"

Teddy shook his head. "I already ate, but you guys have to get dressed."

Wanda snapped her fingers changing us into normal clothes. I rushed downstairs as I saw my and Wanda's bags already packed by the door.

I walk over to Sparky's blow purring food into his blow. "Spark!" I shouted. Sparky came running downstairs pushing passed, Wanda and Teddy.
I rubbed Sparky's back watching him eat his food.

Wanda sat next to me on the ground. "Spark?"

I looked at her, she had the biggest smile on her face. "Yeah, it's a nickname I gave him," She rested her head on my shoulder.

"And you didn't want him here," She said mocking my voice.

"He's warming up to me," We both laughed. I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to leave Sparky here, while we're gone?"

"He's going to be fine, he got enough food and water to last him for a good while,"

"If you say so,"

We were Interrupted by a loud noise, Teddy was chewing his gum making bubbles, and popping them. He had both of his hands in the pockets of his shorts. "You guys are cute together but you guys make me sick,"

I got to my feet. "Are you ready to go?" He nodded his head, he was wearing the shoes I bought for him, he got into the car. I started taking bags out to the car and tossing them into the trunk.

Wanda got into the car. And I got into the driver's side.



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