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     So don't you worry your pretty, little mind
       People throw rocks at things that shine
                And life makes love look hard
      The stakes are high, the water's rough
                         But this love is ours
Taylor Swift—
     [Alex Rodriguez]

Me and Teddy were both waiting in the car, I had been drumming my fingers on the steering wheel for about five minutes straight. I stared at Teddy through the rearview mirror, he was playing on his Nintendo switch, I smiled to myself; he is so adorable and he was very charming for his age.

He looked up from his Nintendo and saw I was staring at him through the mirror "Yes old man?"
He said sounding very disinterested. I chuckled at this.

"I'm not even old," I ran my fingers through my hair turning my attention to the door.

I heard his voice speak up again"Uncle Alex. . . I have a question?"

"What is the question?" I asked turning my attention back to him. He gave me a nervous look flicking his eyes up and down his lap to me.

"I was just wondering why do you never show up to any of the family get together,"

I was a little too stunned to speak "I um. . .I show up," I said stuttering.

he said his head biting on his fingernails "No, not really, Dad says it's because you don't like Abuelo or Abuela. . .is that true. . ?"

I felt so nervous "You wouldn't understand your only right, you're too young to understand this,"

"I know what sex was when I was five and I understand it very easily,"

I chuckle "Maybe when you are a bit older I will tell you, hey but can you promise me something?"

"Yeah!" I leaned in closer to him.

"When you are older, never stop seeing me, you know I love you right? and I will never let anything happen to you,"

"I love you too," He smiled with all of his teeth.

"And you need to see a dentist, I can see all of your cavities." We both laughed at this.

I heard the door open and Wanda had got in the car, She was wearing a red and white dress that met down to her ankles.

I couldn't help but stare at her "Wow, you look—"

"Beautiful!" Teddy chimed in.

"What he said," I said nervously, she was beautiful and my heartbeat faster and faster with every second I stared at her "I had never seen you and a dress before, what's so special about today,"

"Well it's Jack's open house and I thought I would dress nice."

I pulled out of the driveway and onto the main road. She stares out the window for most of the ride, I wondered what was going on in her mind.

I reached out and held her hand, she looked a little surprised by this but she gave me a soft warm smile.

"Are you there yet?" Teddy asked me.

"No, not yet,"


about five minutes later he asked the same question again "Are you there yet?"

"You just asked this, and no,"

"Are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?"

Wanda chuckled at this.

"Yes we're here!" I picked the car in front of the Avengers compound.

We all had gotten out of the car and We both had walk to the door, the immediately opened on us.

"Well. . .Lady's first." I said. Wanda walked In front me, me and Teddy followed pursuit right after her.

Wanda walk up to Peter and they both embraced in a hug "You look amazing," He said complimenting her.

"Oh, well thank you," She said with a grin "Where's Jack?" Peter places both hands on his hips.

"He's in his old room." We followed after him, we turned down three corners and we stopped at a door.

Peter pushed open the door and Jack was laying on the floor, he didn't have his main covering up his skin, Peter kneeled down to his level "Jack get up!" Peter commanded.

Jack was still wearing pajamas, his brown locs all over his face. It was only three in the afternoon "I don't know I don't feel like dealing with people today," He said.

"Jack get up! you can't bail on me right now," Peter said in a very firm voice.

Wanda kicked his foot which immediately made him set up "Sleeping Beauty, get up!" Wanda flicked and he was covered in her magic, his hair was more nicer than before and he was wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of grey shorts.

He got up onto his feet "Thanks for coming," He said "It was Peter and Sam's idea to have it here,"
Wanda placed two hands on his face "Do I look tired?" He asked her.

"Yeah, you have bags under your eyes did you get any sleep?" She asked him.

He rubbed his eyes "I stayed up late," He pushed his hair back "I was helping Peter doing Final touches on the open house," He looked over her shoulder and stared at me "And I see you have accompany with you,"

"That's Teddy, he's Alex's nephew," Teddy hid behind my leg, peeking his head from behind.

"You're the one at the park," He walked closer to him.

Jack kneel down to his level "He's adorable," Jack said "You like magic?"

He nodded his head; Jack slammed his hand together pulling them apart and a blue mist formed into a stuffed teddy bear.

"Is it real?"

Jack gave him a smirk "It's very much real," He got up to his feet "Oh I forgot you were here Alex," I gave him the middle finger "Oh ya, I got my eye on you two, if I see any kissing or you two touch each other, I will kill myself," He said pointing at me and Wanda.

"How did you know?"  I questioned him.

"Wanda is not the only who can read minds."

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