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                            I wanna love me
                   The way that you love me
                         for all of my pretty
                      And all of my ugly too
       I'd love to see me from your point of view

                         —Ariana Grande—

                   [ Wanda Maximoff ]

I laid down on the bed in the guest bedroom. I stared up at the ceiling procrastinating as usual,
The bed was very cozy I covered myself with the blanket. Everything smelled good, I've been here a handful of times I even spend the night here when I needed a break from the Avengers. I heard a soft knock on the door "Come in," I said softly.

The door opened and Alex walked through holding two boxes of pizza "Hey," He said shyly.

"Hey," I said. Seating up.

He bit his lip before saying anything "Um. . . I didn't know what you wanted but. . . I did remember your favorite pizza,"

He sat the one pizza down on the deck and handed me the other one.

I lifted up the top "Mushrooms and onions," I gave him a soft smile "Thank you," I patted a spot on the bed for him.

He sat right next to me on the bed " thanks for letting me stay here, you don't know how much it means to me,"

"No sweat, I could use your company, it's been
lonely for the last couple of months but that's whatever—"

"No, tell me what you've been through for the last year,"

"Really?" I nodded my head before taking a huge bite of pizza "Where do I start? well I started writing again, I and my girlfriend did get engaged —well my ex girlfriend got in engaged,"

"Sorry about that,"

"It's not your fault, besides she likes to stalk me everywhere I go," He licked his lips before turning his attention to over at the mirror.

"Remember that time when you snuck out of the avengers compound and you got really drunk and you threw up all over my clothes,"

"Don't remind me of that incident," we both chuckled at that " Remember when I first came here?"

it was two o'clock in the morning and it was raining and I knocked on your door several times and you didn't answer so I got fed up and I used my magic to knock down the door,"

"I remember that, What happened it was you and Vision both of you and you come over to my place," I turned away thinking about Vision "Umm. . .I'm sorry Wands—"

"It's okay," I said wiping a tear from my eye "it's not your fault,"

I felt his hands wrapped around me I leaned into his chest "If you want to talk about it you can tell me—"

"No, no It's fine I just miss him that's all," I said.
He gave me a sympathetic look before standing up.

"I have a lot of work to catch on but if you ever need me just call my name,"

I handed him the box before slipping under the covers.

"Good night Wanda,"

"Good night Alex." He turned off the lights before heading out.☙

I felt my eyes get heavy and soon as I know it I was asleep.


Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now