8 //All too well

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      Just between us,
did the love affair
maim you all too well?

                             —Taylor Swift—

                   [Alex Rodriguez]

I was woken up by my alarm clock ringing in my ear, I turned off the alarm and I managed to pull myself out of bed, It was light outside, and it was nice enough for a little walk around the neighborhood. I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, I was getting ready to put on my shoes downstairs but I couldn't help but check on Wanda before I leave.

I slowly opened her door to check on her, she was still asleep, her hair was all over her face and the blanket was on the ground.

I picked up the blanket placing it on her, She moved a little but she didn't wake up.

She was so beautiful I thought to myself.

I walked out of her room trying to be as quiet as possible.

I walked out of the house and I started to walk towards where the group therapy center was at. I knocked on the glass door as I waited for a response.

I heard some shuffling and then the door swung open, Nina stood there "Alex?"

"Hi, Nina can I please talk to you about something?"

She placed both hands on her hips, she chewed her gum very loudly "Sure," She opened the door even more.

"Thank you," I said. I stepped through the doorway.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Umm. . . It's about Wanda, I'm sorry about her walking out like that. . . She's been through a lot these past months—"

"Alex, why do you define that thing,"

"That "Thing" is one of my best friends, she's important to me,"

"You care about her, don't you?" She walked closer to me and I felt nervous "Do you like her?"

"Of course I like her, she's my friend," She shook her head.

"Not as friends, more than what you guys already are,"

"No! No! Sure Wanda's pretty but I and her are just friends and even if I did like her, how will she likes me the same way,"

"How about this, you took me to find and we can talk about this,"

"Are you asking me on a date?" I asked her.

She smirked and walked closer to me "Whatever you wanna call it," She kissed me on the cheek "See you tonight,"

"See ya."




When I came back to the house I hop into the shower and changed my clothing, after I was done I went to go check up on Wanda. When I looked into her room she wasn't there.

I looked for her outside in the backyard. I saw her sitting down on a bench, I sat down right to her.

She didn't even move or say anything, she just grab my hand holding it.

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