31// virgo's groove

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          Baby, come over
               Come and woo me through the night
                        Bring all those emotions
                                 And show me
                            how you feel inside
                     [ Wanda Maximoff ]

I was laying on the couch looking at my phone, Peter was doing the same thing, and Teddy was staring at all of the pictures and asking Alex multiple questions about them. And Jack.....Jack was in the kitchen making dinner while playing his music very loud you could probably hear it from on top of the hills.

It was kind of cold so I wrapped a blanket around me, Teddy sat down right next to me on the couch, and he wrapped the blanket around him.

"Wanda? I have a question?"

I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket.
"What is it? sweetheart,"

"Hey, I thought I was your sweetheart?" Jack yelled.

I whipped my hand around to face him. "Your still my other sweetheart. . . What was your question? Teddy,"

"Who's a better cook, you or Jack?"

Somehow that Alex's and Peter's attention, I looked at Jack and then I looked at Teddy. "Well, there's a simple answer to that question. . . and there's only one right answer, and it's me!" Jack said very persuasively.

"That's not true!" I said trying to defend myself.

"No we both know that is a damn lie, like be for reale. . . I was the one who taught you everything,."


But he raised a hand. "And I am almost finished, Wanda thinks, since she can make chicken noodle soup, that means she's a good cook, that's why I never let white people season my food,"

"Jack aren't you part white?" Peter butted in.

Jack stared up at the sky and place to hand under his chin, and pretended to think. "Yeah, yeah besides the point. . . I'm the only good cook here,"

I stood up to my feet and walked toward him, Jack was a little bit taller than me so he didn't completely tower over me.

"Now we both know I'm better cook,"

"Bitch please, don't even lie, you know how to put a pizza to easy bake oven and that's it,"

"Jack, you have dementi'd if you believe that,"

"Teddy, look at what you did!" Alex and Peter both said in unison.

"Well, how was I supposed to know that they were so competitive,"

"Jack and Wanda always been so competitive with each other." Peter said. Readjusting his glasses.

I took the tea pot off of the stovetop and purred it into a cup.

Jack continue on with his dinner. "So how long did you and Jack known each other for?" Teddy asked leaning over the counter.

"For a long time, I met Snow White when we were both worked for hydra, Jack was one of the youngest "experiment" at hydra so me and my brother decided we would take care of him and after I went with the Avengers, I had a mission, somebody was trying to kill the Avengers, not knowing it was Jack,"

"So, the Avengers took me even though I was against it,"

I ruffled his hair. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and Teddy came up to me. I gave Teddy a light kiss on his face.

"Now, I need some help making this food." Jack said. Handing me the mixing blow.




January 2016

I walked up and down isles of the grocery store, Jack was right on top of the shopping cart. He had Both of his legs cross country over each other and he was reading a book in his hands, I tried to upush him off but he wouldn't move. I got stares from people in the store not just because I had a fourteen-year-old boy on a shopping cart but because I was basically famous.

A short woman with brown hair and two kids came up to us. . .well if I'm being correct they came up to Jack. "Hey, kid are you okay?" She said sounding "worried" for him.

Jack looked up from his book with annoyance was written all over his face. "Umm. . . Yeah. . .why?"

The lady pushes back her hair and she tries to cup his face but he slapped her hand away."Are you sure baby? Do you know who you're with?"

"I can see. . . Is there something wrong with that?"

The woman stared at him in shock."Where are your parent's kiddo?"

"Up Your ass that's what! And you know what lady what's wrong with me hanging out with her, she's looks way better than you,"

The woman was too stunned to speak, she had her mouth wide open. "I've never—"

"And you'll never will, why don't you fix that ten-dollar party City wig on top of your head."

The lady and her two kids stare at Jack with a blank looks on their faces, and they both walked away from us.

Jack hopped off of the shopping cart, he stood right next to me. "Now, Jack—"

"Save it Wands, I already know what you're going to say,"

We seat there in silence for a good while, Jack kept picking up stuff off of the shelves and putting it in the cart. "Do you have money for all this?" I asked him.

He turned his head. "The only reason I came so I wouldn't have to pay for anything," He tossed a bag of chips into the cart.

"Why are you like this?" I asked him. He put a finger on his chin, I already knew Jack was going to say something messed up. I waited for him to say something smart but it never came so I decided to drop it. I was trying to rush this, I was wanted to see Alex today, he was off of work today and I haven't seen him in a good while.

"Sooooo,you're birthday is in seven days from now, what do you want to do?"

"Sleep, eat, masturbate!"

"Ew, I did not to know all of that,"

"Why? you do all the time, I hear you all the time... your moans are so loud and for what reason?"

"How do you hear that?"

He threw his arms up in the air in frustration.
"Do you forget we have a room next to each other  and you're bed keeps hitting my wall!"

"Do I keep you up all night?"

He shook his head. We stopped talking again, I continue along with my shopping, and Jack. . . Was being himself.

He started walking like a runway m in the different isles, I decided to join in the fun, and me both stood on our tippy toes pretending there are high heels, and we started to strua down the aisles.

We got a couple of looks from people but Jack filp them off and we continue shopping.

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now