15//Hounds Of Love

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          It's coming for me through the trees
               Oh, help me, someone
                     Help me, please
                    Take my shoes off
                  And throw them in the lake
       And I'll be two steps on the water

                              —Kate Brush—

[ Wanda Maximoff ]

Jack and I walked into the backyard of the compound, He had his arms crossed over each other. We walked around seeing as there were a lot of people there "Wanda I don't want to be here!" Jack complained "I wanna just go home and sleep and probably have a threesome with Peter and some girl,"  I punched him in the shoulder.

"You really have threesomes with people?" I looked up from the ground having a smirk on his face.

"Not just any girl back in my sophomore year of high school, I had one of the biggest crushes on Olivia, but I lost my feelings for her after me and Peter got together, but. . . When me and Peter our in the mood we call her around and we—"

I raised my hand to stop him for continuing "I think I get it,"

"It's more fun when valkyrie comes around, you can join the action some—"

"Jack I'm not having a threesome with you and Peter,"

He smiled at this "So how long have you been dating Alex?"


He shook his head licking his lips "Well I know you care about him a lot," We both turned our heads to look at him. He was standing there talking to Sam.

"He's really good to me, and  I love him a lot," I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"So you're in love with him?" I turned my head to look at him, his deep dark brown eyes stared me down.

I loved Alex, the same feelings that I had for Vision. . .are the exact same feelings I have for Alex "Of I love Alex,"

He bit down on the edge of his lip and gave me a devilish smile. Before I could say anything else I felt two arms wrap around my neck.

I looked up and Alex was looking right back down at me "What are you two talking about?"

"Umm. . .a threesome," I punched Jack's shoulder again "Ouch! What the fuck Wanda?!" He said. His voice sounded so much deeper than the a few a years ago.

"We were not talking about a threesome!" I said. Alex laughed at this.

He carefully removed his hands from my neck "So what were you and Sam talking about?" I asked him.

"He was telling me about how you and Jack snuck out of the compound and you guys got caught,"

Jack's mouth fell wide open "We don't talk about that," He ran his fingers through his loose curly hair "I will be back I'm going to find Peter," He said trying to go back inside the compound.

I grabbed his hand spinning him back around "You are going to stay by me the whole time," I felt someone pull on my dress, I look down and saw that Teddy was the one who was the one.

"Umm. . .Wanda I have to use the bathroom," He said keeping both of his legs closed.

"I'll take you." Jack said letting go of my hand and taking Teddy's. They both went into the house to go look for the bathroom.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned to see who it is.

Alex stared me down "What?" I question him.

He laughed at this "Don't snap at me!" He said smirking.

"Wanda Maximoff," I heard a deep voice coming from behind me.

I turned to see Doctor Stephen Strange "Stephen?" He walked closer to me "Hey are you?"

"Well I'm doing much, much better after you and Jack chased me across the multiverse," He said jokingly.

I laughed at this as well "I'm about that—"

"No, no you don't have to apologize for anything," He took a long pause before continuing his sentence "If I had children I would do anything to get them back,"

I just smiled "Oh I want you to meet someone," I turned and pulled Alex arm "Alex this is Doctor Stephen Strange, Strange this is Alex,"

The men both shook hands "Wanda has told me a lot about you," Alex said.

"Oh, really?" He turned his head to look at me.

"Okay I'm back," Jack said jumping right next to me "Hi Strange,"

"Hi Jack, oh ya congratulation,"

"Thanks, oh ya I'm sorry about Kamar Taj," Strange shook his head dismissing his apology.

"No it's okay."

Jack gave a nervous laugh and I decided to laugh along with him.

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