26//Say you won't let go

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            Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest

                    —James Arthur—

                       [Alex Rodriguez]

Wanda laid her head against my bare chest, I wrapped my arm around her body as I held her tight to my chest. I played with her long red hair, I felt her breasts push up against my chest. I planted a small kiss on her forehead. She rolled to the other side of the bed pulling away from me.

I did the same thing as her wrapping my arms around her. "Alex, what are you doing?"

I rubbed her leg up and down planting kisses her neck and behind her ears "I can't admire my girl?" She turned over to look at me. My heart stopped, I know I looked into those eyes everyday  but they still made my heart stop. . .

She trapped my face smacking my cheek slightly,
I chuckled under my breath. "When you mean admire, what you really want is more sex,"

I gave her a "shocked" look and placed my hand over my chest "Me! I would never do that," I said very sarcastially And overdramatic. She closed her eyes reopening them, her irises glowing a deep red. "I love it when you're eye's glow red."

Her eyes immediately stop glowing and she tilted her head to the side. She licked her lips, she fixed her hair.

"Alex. . .do you ever worry about what you're family thinks?"

I sat up against the headboard of our bed "Sometimes, but why are you worried?"

She whipped her head around to look at me "I'm
not worried about anything," She started to chew on her fingernails, her glancing all over the room.

"You're lying!"

"No, I'm not, and even if I was how would you know?"

"Because when you lie, you always bite your fingernails," I said calmly taking her fingers off of her lips "C'mon tell me? You know I wouldn't judge you,"

"Well, I threaten to kill your dad if he touched you and people talk so your whole family probably knows by now,"

I shook my head "I love you and that's all that matters,"

"You're right, I'm should be used to it by now." I knew when Wanda's emotions were all over the place.

I hated when she doubted herself, I feel like time doesn't pass by when I'm with her, when I had bad days at my old job she would make them better. Her beautiful smile always brighter up anybody's day.

I remember this one time I was sick she took care of me when I needed her the must.  She caught me staring at her.

"What are you doing?"


We sat in comfortable silence, she was the one who broke the silence "Why is it so quiet?"

I stared up at her confusion to what she was saying "Huh?"

"Teddy and Jack are downstairs right?" She turned her head to look at me.

"Maybe their playing a game or something?" I said trying to brush it off. She got out of the bed and started to put on her clothes. I rolled my eyes. "C'mon on Wanda," She pulled me out of the bed, she stared atme for a good moment biting her button lip "Are you going to see what's up with Teddy and Jack? or you're just going to stare at my dick?"

She grabbed the back of my head pulling me into a kiss, I softly groaned into the kiss. When pulled away I felt very annoyed.

I started to put on my clothes, I looked back over at Wanda, who had been staring at me the whole time.

I walked downstairs to an empty living room, Jack and Teddy where both nowhere in sight.

"Where are they?" I whisper to myself.

Wanda slapped her hand on my shoulder "So what was you saying? They we're playing some type of game?"

"Okay Wendy, knock it off,"

She giggled at the nickname, I got the nickname from Jack, if he was mad at her, he'd would often call her "Wendy"

"So where are they?"

Out of nowhere a blue portal opened, Teddy and Jack jumped out if it. Jack got up to his feet, a bear was coming right at them.

Jack used his sword to decapitate the bear's head.

The bear gushed out blood sprained onto me and Wanda.

I wanted to throw up at the smell of it. I stared angrily at the two of them.

"Jack Joshua Kane!"

"Teddy Daniel Rodriguez!"

They both stared at each other "You're middle name is Joshua,"

"Oh don't even try it out a name is Daniel,"

Teddy turned to look at me "Uncle, I can explain—"

"Explain what!"

"Ummm. . . It was all Jack!"

"little boy don't point fingers at me,"

"I don't care who did it! all of you clean it up," Wanda shouted, she crossed her arms making her eyes glow a deep red.

"But I have to go home—"

"Jack, we be know that's not true you guys clean this up now," I followed after Wanda to go upstairs but she stop turned around "What are you doing?"

"Going upstairs to clean up,"

"You have to help them clean up the living room,"

My face fell "But. . ."

"Bye Alex." She said waving her hand as she walk upstairs backwards.

I couldn't help but form a smile.

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