34//Good days

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                     All the while,
                           I'll await my
                 armored fate with a smile
         Still wanna try, still believe in
      Good days, always (good days)
      Always inside (always in my mind,

                 [Alex Rodriguez]

I was sleeping when I heard a bunch of noise, I wanted to go back to sleep but I just heard loud banging from downstairs. I turned over in bed wrapping my arms around Wanda. She wrap her hand over my arm, I could feel the slight warmth coming from her. I traced her soft beautiful skin with my ring finger. Her light red hair fallingell into place like do.

I heard and felt the loud and aggravated bangs from the door. The bangs had gotten louder and harder each time.

I groaned annoyed that it was damn near eight in the morning and I was supposed to be spending some time with my girlfriend, to be awoken to some bullshit.

I pushed the blanket off of me, still leaving it on Wanda, I felt the cold wood touch my bare feet ad I made my way over to the door. I twisted the door handle pulling it open, almost ripping off the door by its hinges.

Teddy was standing there. "Hey, kid. . .is everything alright. . . ?" I questioned him.

He rubbed his eyes pointing down the steps. "There is someone here for you,"

Who was here for me? Nobody knew that I was coming here besides for Marcus. . .

I closed the door behind me and I followed Teddy downstairs, Jack was standing at the door. When he saw me come down the steps his face turned from annoyed into relief.

He sat down on the couch laying his head on the arm of the couch. I walked over standing in the doorway. "Hi, may I help you. . .?" I asked the man.

The man was a tall man taller then me, he had light brown skin and the darkest eyes that I've ever seen, he was wearing black shorts and a
sweater. "Are you, Alex Rodriguez. . ?" The mam read my name off of a piece of paper.

"Yes...? Why?"

The man adjusted one of the rings on his finger.
"Well, I have news for you," The man stopped himself. "I'm your mother's lawyer, and she wanted me to come to you to discuss her will with you and your siblings,"

"Well, you can tell her I don't want her  damn money!"

The man stood up taller. He reached in his pocket handing me his business card. I took the card out of his hand. "Meet me at the hospital in a couple of days."

Without saying much he turned around and headed to his car.

I stood there frozen in sight.

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now