29//People watching

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But I wanna feel all
that love and emotion
Be that attached to the
person I'm holding
Someday, I'll be falling
without caution
But for now, I'm
only people watching
—Conan Gray—
[ Wanda Maximoff ]
                            February 2016

I came by the coffee shop today since I had nothing else to do since everybody else was at the compound besides me and Jack. I saw paper red hearts all over the window and halls. I sat in my usual spot in the corner away from people. I decided to want a little bit since there was a long line with a bunch of people. I put in my headphones and started to play music.

I watched as all the happy couples passed by, Vision was on a mission with all the other Avengers so I was spending Valentine's Day by myself.

I was probably being foolish, the world needs good people and I'm complaining about my love life, this was supposed to be my first Valentine with Vision and I was going to spend it alone.

I tapped my foot against the ground as I watched more people pass by. I felt someone sat down right next to me. "Wow, you look like shit!" Alex said. He gave me a blueberry muffin.

"Thanks. . .I guess?"

He took a toothpick putting it in between his teeth. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah of course, why?" I asked him.

He placed both of his hands behind his back. "You look sad. . .have you been crying?" I wiped my face as fast as I could. "Let me guess, it's about Vision, am I right?"

I let out a sigh. "He went on a mission with the other Avengers and it's just me and Jack at the compound, and besides since all of my plans have been canceled I have nothing else to do,"

His face fell when I told him. "A mission? Who wants to be on those?"

I unfold my arms. "Well look on the bright side," He said trying to sound optimistic.

"What bright side?"

"Think about it, we are both single on the worst day ever, how about you and me have a little fun,"

I pushed my hair out of my face. "Didn't you have a date?"

He crossed his arms, he moved a little closer to me. "I did but she canceled on me last minute,"

"Ha, loser!" I laughed mocking him, he punched me in the arm. "Ouch!"

"We can be loser together, and besides. . ."

"Besides what?!"

"Come on, please! We barely do anything together, you can be my Valentine,"

"Don't you have to be dating to become someone's valentine?"

He shook his head. "Not all the time and besides who made that rule saying we have to date to be each other valentine's?"

I fold my arms holding them close to my chest. "Society says,"

"Who cares what society says?"He pulled on my hand holding them in the palm of his hands. "Come on Wands, please?! If you don't have fun I will leave you alone,"

"You promise?"

He placed his hand on his heart raising his other hand in the other hand. "I swear to the Wanda Maximoff, that you'll have the time of your life."

I laughed at his joking manner, he got to his feet going to the back just for him to come back with his jacket.

I followed him out the door and into the parking lot, he grabbed something out of his car closing his door."We're not going to take your car?"

He shook his head putting his hands in his pockets. "Nope, one because why not walk? And also I have to save on gas money,"

I walked right beside him, following him; most of the time following Alex to places always landed the both of us in trouble, three weeks ago he conceived me to use my powers to fix his coffee, and I almost blow up the apartment a that day.

His hands brush up against mine. I quickly stuffed my hands in my pockets trying my best to keep them warm.

"I haven't seen you in weeks I started to get worried," Alex said breaking the silence.

"So I'm guessing you missed me?" I said.

A smile formed at the corner of his lips. "Of course, you're my only friend,"

"I'm sorry that I made you feel worried, but what you mean I'm the only friend you have?"

"I don't have many friends, Wands. . . I'm usually the one ruining all of my friendships and when you didn't show up for three weeks I got really scared,"

I could hear my footfalls on the melted snow, I playfully bumped Alex with my arm. "You never need to worry about me, I'm going nowhere."

Sorry that this
Chapter is a little bit
Short and that it took
So long, I was trying
To make sure it was
Good. But I hope you
You guys enjoy it.

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