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This dream isn't feeling sweet
we're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone
feels so scary getting old
This dream isn't feeling sweet
we're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone
feels so scary getting old


                        [Alex Rodriguez]

After putting Teddy in his bed I decided to go back in the living room. I had one hand in my sweatpants pocket, and in my other I had a cup of  tea in my hand. I looked up at the clock on the wall, it was eleven going on twelve. I was taken aback by how well the house aged, the last time I been here was over four years ago, between those four to five years was one of the hardest.

Wanda was still sitting on his couch, she had her legs crossed and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. I sat down right next to her not uttering a word to each other, her light green eyes stared me down.

She bought the cup of tea up to her mouth as she took a long slip from it. I tap my foot against the hardwood floor, I moved a little closer to her. I could tell she was thinking about something serious, she was down at the colorful carpet.
"Alex, where is your shirt?" She asked.

I stood there for a while not knowing what would my next words would be. "It was hot. . . So I decided to take it off."

She looked around the room for a very long time."This place is beautiful," She said not even looking at me. Her voice sounded deeper but somehow sweet.

I couldn't help but smile at the compliment. "Thank you, my great grandfather made this cabin, It took him four years to build this place,"

"Wow! He must have been a creative man, my family was never like this,"

"What did your parents do for fun?"

"Mmmm...my mother loved to paint, she would played hide and seek with me and Pietro...she was a stay at home mom, she stop working after having me and Pietro. And my Dad was selling VHS tapes to people on the street, he wouldn't make much money but it was still enough to make sure me and my brother had something to eat,"

She stares up at the ceiling moving her fingers into my hands. "Do you ever think about them?"

She stared at the floor for a good while. "Sometimes. . . when I'm sleeping I can feel their warmth, my father would wrap her his arms around me and Pietro when we were younger,"

"You never told me that,"

She smirked and pushed back her hair. "I never thought you would be interested in that part of my life,"

I couldn't help but smile. "Your lucky to have a supportive family. . ." I stopped myself from going any further.

"You don't have to say anything—"

"No, no, I have been holding this in for years and I can't talk to my therapist about it," I shuffled around on the sofa. "When. . . when my grandparent's died, I knew I would never have any safety again. . . They were the only person who would protect me from my parent's abuse,"

I gasped her both of her hands. "My parents, they would do. . .do horrible things to me, if I didn't get an A on a test I would get beat or I would go to bed hungry, I was glad when I started working, I wouldn't have to be around my parents as much and after I finished high school, I got into the best college and I study crime and English, just in case if being an officer didn't work out,"

"Well, your so brave, I will never let anybody hurt you ever again,"

I rested my hand on her leg. "And I promise to protect you, no matter what,"

if I'm being honest, I could never picture you as a teacher,"

I pretended to be shocked by this. "I'm good with kids," I said throwing up my hands in the air.

"Mmmm. . . not really, you and Jack used to get into fights all the time,"

"Because he ask me if my dick was small!" She started to giggle under her breath.

"Jack had a crush on you, you know that right? He would talk about you all the time talking about how good-looking you were,"

"I knew he had a crush on me it was very obvious, but he has a crush on you,"

"Well, at least he has good taste." She rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her forehead.

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now