2/Broken Clocks

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      All I got is these broken clocks
     I ain't got no time
    Just burning daylight
   Still love and it's still love


                    [Alex Rodriguez]

I leaned against the kitchen counter. I couldn't help but stare at one of my closest friends she was currently looking at all the pictures on my walls. She stopped at a picture with me and my ex; Wanda had the hugest smirk on her face "You guys look cute," I took the photo out of her hands.

"That's enough for you today," She licked her lips not caring at all. I looked her up and down staring at her suit "Better than the others, what is it you call yourself?"

"Scarlet Witch," She said smirking. She placed a hand on my chin, and she studied my face "Wow, you had less hair on your face, not bad tho,"

She turned away from me and kept looking at the photos.

I sat down on a chair as I couldn't help but stare.
Her long dark red hair dragged across her back.
I took a bottle of red wine out from under me and started purring myself a glass of it.

"This is like your third glass today," Wanda called out.

I sat down the glass "How do you know this?" she turned around and her eyes glowed a deep red "We talked about this before, to stay out of my head,"

"I'm sorry it's not my fault your mind is interesting to go through and besides it's not like you have something world-destroying in there."She said in a snarky tone.

I couldn't help but notice the bags under her eyes "Wanda?" She turned her attention toward me looking me dead in the eyes "When was the last time you slept?"

I could tell that she was thrown off by the question "Umm. . .last night," liar I thought to myself I could already tell that she is not being truthful with me.

I crossed my arms and stood up from the chair.

"You can sleep in my guest room," She lifted her chin to look me in the eye but I had to lower my head to look at her.

"Thank you. . .a lot It's been the hardest months for me and I. . ." But I rested a hand on her shoulder.

    "You don't have to tell me anything Wands, all I need for you is rest,"

She wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug "I did miss you, you know?"

I wrapped my arms around her resting my head oh her shoulder.

"I missed you too," after we pulled away from each other I couldn't help but looks at her clothing "Wanda what are you going to wear?"

She just smirked before replying "I can just make clothes," She smiled.

With her wave of her, a dark red orb formed in the palm of her hand.

I stepped back a little as I saw her formed clothes in her hands.

She over at me "Where is the bathroom?" She asks.

I pointed with my finger "Straight upstairs to the right the first door on the left."

She gave me a simple thank you and headed up the stairs.

I smiled to myself as I watch her walk up the stairs. I was then later snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a slight knock on the door.

I open the door and I was met with my older brother standing there.

"Al!" He yelled my childhood name.

"Marcus?" I yelled reaching my arms out and pulling him into a grizzly bear hug.

We pulled away from each other as I made way for him to enter "Wow, it's been a while since I saw you, how's life treating you?"

"Not so great, me and my girlfriend broke up so there's that,"

"I'm sorry about that, so you and that Sadie chick finally are over hun?" I nodded my head I tried my best to not think of her.

I ran my fingers through my hair getting ready to change the subject "So what about you? What brings you here?"

"It's Mama. . ." Everything In the room went silent "She's not feeling any better," I stared at Marcus "She wants to see you, she doesn't know how long until she_you know kick the bucket,"

"I don't think I want to see her,"

"Come on, you still can't be mad at her, she's on her deathbed, and you're still mad at her—"

"She treated us differently, she loved you way more than me," Marcus trapped his fingers "Mama and Dad both loved you more than me—"

"Hey! That's bullshit, they loved you—"

"Barely, back when I was in fifth grade you were in seventh you always got good grades but me I always got bad grades—" but I was cut off by someone coming down the step we both look to see Wanda coming down.

She changed into jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt.

"Alex who is this?"

"Wanda this is my brother Marcus, this is—"

"I know who she is," He took a step forward towards her "You're the witch lady who took over that town,"

Wanda lifted her chin looking him dead in the eyes "Yeah,"

"You are. . .badass my kids love you and I'm trying to get the coolest dad of the year so do you mind if I take a picture with you,"

Wanda gave me a look of confusion before nodding her head "Sure I don't mind."

I turned around holding in my laughter.

I felt a hand smack the back of my neck, Wanda came up behind me giving me her death stare.

"Back up Witch,"

"Idiot!" she snapped.

I felt a hand pull on my arm, Marcus leaned into my ear.

"You better keep her around, I got to run see ya and it was very nice to meet you lovely lady."

Wanda formed a smile.I went to go walk Marcus out the door.

He turned back to me before leaving "Please at least call her for me!"

I crossed my arms before replying "I will take it into consideration,"

"Thanks, I will see you later, love you little bro,"

"Love you too." I closed the door and leaned up against the door.

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