10//In my head

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                            Painted a picture,
   I thought I knew you well
I got a habit of seeing what isn't there
     Caught in the moment,
   Tangled up in your sheets
   When you broke my heart,
I said you only wanted half of me

                      —Ariana Grande—

                [Alex Rodriguez]

I knew Wanda didn't want to come to get ice cream with us but Teddy had convinced her. She didn't even speak to me, she stayed quiet for the most part, and I tried multiple times to make her speak but she wouldn't move. After we had got ice we went to the park.

I and Wanda sat down by a park bench and just watched Teddy play on the playground.

She played with her hair not looking at me "Wanda how aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me and started to bite down on her lip.

She didn't say anything just stared at me "Why aren't you speaking to me?" she just licks her bottom lip and then looks back at me.

"Alex, if I tell you, you probably won't want to be my friend again,"

I looked down at her "Is it something bad?"

She shook her head "No. . .umm, I like this person, and my feelings for him grow every day, and it hurts a lot and it takes everything in me not to tell him how I feel about him,"

I was in shock at what she was telling me "Who is this person?"

"Alex, I'm very confused about my feelings about this person and I'm scared that if I tell him that I love him—"

"You love him?! Wanda who is this guy?" She looked down at her feet and then back at me.

"Umm. . .you know this person," when she said I was really confused "It's y—"

But we were cut off by two people "Now I wasn't expecting this," Jack and Peter said at the same time.

Jack used his magic to cover up his skin, the last time I saw Jack was a few years ago but it didn't feel like years ago.

"Hey, Jack, hey Peter," Me and Wanda said. Jack ran his fingers through his hair.

"What brings you two here?" Peter asked us.

"My nephew just wanted to come here that's all,"

He nodded his head "Oh yeah, Jack is having an open house," Jack punched his arm "For graduation,"

"I didn't want the stupid open house but he'd planned it right behind my back," Jack muttered under his breath "I'm not going to graduation because they make us pay for our caps and gowns and I'm not paying for it,"

"I already bought my cap and gown," Peter said.

He looked disappointed while saying "Why much does it cost for the cap and gown?" I asked him.

"Around sixty, and I'm trying to save my money for a new laptop,"

I took out my wallet, I took out three twenty-dollar bills and handed them to him, he gave me a shock at first looking at the sixty dollars "I..I can't take this," He said.

"Take it, I know what it's like paying for my cap and gown," I persisted trying to hand him the money.

He took the money from my hand "Wow, thank you,"

"No problem, Oh ya when is your open house?"

"In five days, and I really don't want to have one," He looked down at the ground.

"You should have one,"Wanda finally spoke "I think you will enjoy it,"

I turned to look at her and she had a worried look , she turned to look at Jack who had the same look on his face.

"Do you feel that?" Jack asked her.

Wanda got to her feet and red magic wrapped around her and her Scarlet Witch appeared on her.

Jack went behind a tree and he came out of the other side in his suit and his normal pale white skin.

Peter ran off with his backpack to go somewhere. The ground started to mumble and then a jackal popped out of the ground.

The jackal ran at one of the kids but Jack grabbed the jackal's tail throwing it against the tree.

The jackal ran at Wanda and she created a shield for me and she created a ball of red magic throwing it right at the jackal.

Jack formed a blue ball of magic throwing at the jackal.

Jack missed and the jackal jumped up in the air, and pounced on top of Jack.

Jack struggled to get the jackal off of him, I finally snapped out of my trance and I found a large stick off the ground.

I threw the stick at the jackal, distracting it and giving Jack enough time to kick the jackal off of him.

I helped Jack onto his feet "Wow, you have good aim," He complimented.

Teddy ran up to us with tears in his eyes "Uncle what's going on?"

I handed him the keys to my car "Go wait in the car and don't move,"

"You don't have to tell me twice." He snatched the keys out of my hand and he ran towards the car.

Peter swang down and he was wearing his spiderman suit "Sorry that I came late—" The jackal tackled Peter to the ground.

Wanda kicked the jackal off of Peter, and the jackal ran at Wanda before she could react, the jackals swang its tail.

Wanda flew into a tree and she was knocked into a tree, I could hear the snapping of bones in her body.

Jack grabbed my arm "She's hurt let me go!" Jack was strong for his age.

"She's fine," He said.

I looked at her, and I saw her getting up on her feet and she snapped all the bones in her body.

I looked on in horror and in disgust, Peter lifted up his mask and started to throw up his lunch, I turned to look at Jack who also looked disgusted.

"Told you she's okay." the jackal got to its feet and the jackal ran to me.

Me and the jackal went back and forth with each other.

I grabbed the jackal by the neck pinning it to the ground "Jack I need you right now," I said.

Jack created a knife from his hand, he aimed at the jackal's tongue, and the tongue fell out of the jackal's mouth, and a blue blood field the jackal's mouth.

The jackal kicked me off of it, and Wanda stopped me from falling with her magic.

Peter shot a web out of his hand the jackal dragged Peter around like a silly ragdoll.

Wanda grabbed the knife off the ground throwing at the jackal.

The knife went straight into its head.

The jackal fell on the ground and that same black blood.

I turned to look at Wanda and I notice that we were the only people at the playground.

Jack warned his hand over the jackal's dead body making it disappear.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked me.

I didn't answer the question I just turned back to the car and walked away from her "Let's just go home. . ."

Playing God| Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now