Chapter 07 - The First Impression

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First of all, I want to show you the sunset from last night. I was in the kitchen and wanted to do something, when I briefly looked out the window and thought that I must photograph and show you.

All Saturday morning, Yibo had already been very nervous and kept prowling around the gate and campus, waiting for the Paradise Academy students to arrive

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All Saturday morning, Yibo had already been very nervous and kept prowling around the gate and campus, waiting for the Paradise Academy students to arrive. He was not alone, however, because many other students did the same. Some even waited right by the road for the bus to arrive, so excited were they about the expected guests.

What Yibo found absolutely strange about this morning was that his own sense of time was completely out of sync. Normally, even without looking at the clock, he could tell what time it was, and he could tell how time was passing. But when he was waiting for Zhan to arrive, he had the feeling that time was trying to annoy him and was therefore running backwards.

Once, it was 10:30 in the morning, Yibo looked at his watch, walked around the campus again, and when he looked at his watch again, it was only 10:22 in the morning. He was completely stunned, and with his cell phone in hand and paying close attention to the time, he walked another lap around the campus. But the time continued to run normally.

It was only after he had made another round that Seungyoun told him, amazed at Yibo's behavior and after he explained why he was staring at his cell phone while walking across campus, that in his excitement he must have simply gotten the numbers wrong. Instead of 10:03, he read 10:30. Yibo didn't believe that, but it certainly sounded more plausible than time working against Yibo personally.

Although Yibo was getting cold after the hours he spent outside and he started to freeze, he stayed outside and even sat down on one of the benches to eat his lunch. But again, he wasn't the only one who walked out of the cafeteria with a full tray and sat down somewhere to eat outside while they waited.

The reason why so many were so excited was, of course, because these are guests staying for a week. Because they are the first students of Paradise Academy, which is a little sister of Keno Academy. Because they are opponents but also allies. And also because they were already very excited about the talents and of course they are only too eager to compete with them.

Yibo and all the other waiting students were finally relieved around 4 pm, when the tour bus of the Paradise Academy, after all almost 7 hours late, drove through the big gate onto the campus. And Yibo felt like he had never been so nervous in his life as the moment the door of the bus opened and the first student stepped outside.

The third to step off the bus was Xiao Zhan, and Yibo's eyes grew wide when he finally saw Zhan. His heart was pounding hard and he felt really warm. He felt hot when Xiao Zhan first looked around and then stood very close to Yibo to wait until everyone else got off the bus.

Since Yibo assumed that Zhan perhaps didn't know what had happened to Cheng and perhaps that was why he kept looking around, Yibo wanted to tell him. It would have been a good way to start a conversation if he had said who he was and what happened to Cheng. It would have been, if Alessia hadn't been faster!

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