Chapter 36 - Uncle Wang

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When Zhan arrived at the concert hall, he went to the ticket counter, opened an email from the anonymous user and searched for the QR code, and then showed the phone to the saleswoman at the counter. She scanned the QR code on his phone and Zhan was then given a VIP concert ticket for Yibo's concert and a VIP backstage pass that would allow him to see Yibo after the concert.

With the ticket and the backstage pass, he went back to the parking lot and looked out for a 15-year-old girl who had a book with a red cover. Finding this girl among the many other girls had not been easy even for Zhan. For there were hundreds of excited girls in the parking lot waiting to finally be admitted to the concert hall.

After a few minutes, however, Zhan finally found the girl. She was standing next to the entrance, waving her book to attract attention. Zhan walked up to her and introduced himself. "Hi I'm Daytoy. You and I have been texting. It's about the ticket exchange." He said.

"Ah, this is really you?" She asked doubtfully. It was probably because of Zhan's clothes, or rather, his cover-up. His face was barely visible under his baseball cap and he wore only black clothes and a long coat. He might as well have been a creepy criminal.

To prove to her that it was really him she was writing with, he showed her the concert ticket and the backstage pass. "I know I look scary in this getup. But I'm afraid that friends or colleagues can recognize me here. I'd be really embarrassed if they knew I was into Wang Yibo's music." Lied Zhan.

"Oh, now I understand. I was wondering."

"Yeah, sorry if I scared you. So, are we sticking to what we agreed? I give you my VIP ticket and backstage pass and you give me your concert ticket?"

"Mn. It stays the same. But can I ask why you want to switch? I mean, my seat is in the back row and you probably won't be able to see much from there. I'm wondering why anyone would want to trade a VIP ticket and a backstage pass for such a bad seat."

"Simple. I don't have to worry about appearing in a video or picture somewhere in the back row. I'm just there for the music anyway. Besides, someone gifted me the ticket and the pass. So I'm not losing anything in the process."

"Okay good, I understand that. And I'm happy to be honest. Because then I can see Wang Yibo up close and personal."

"You're a big fan of him, aren't you?"

"Mn, totally. I love him."

"Well, he's a handsome idol too."

"Oh yeah. My friends and I collect everything we can find of him. I've probably collected close to 200 pictures of him. And in every picture he looks super great."

"I believe you."

"I'm already super excited. My friends are going to be green with envy tomorrow when I show them the pictures and videos I'll be taking later."

"Then I suggest we swap now. And after the swap, you should go straight to the entrance. Not that someone will see what kind of ticket you have and steal it from you yet."

"Right. It would be better if no one sees it." She said. She beamed with joy as Zhan handed her the concert ticket and his backstage pass. She gratefully handed her single ticket to Zhan and then hurried to the entrance where she had been allowed in immediately because of the VIP ticket.

When the official admission began, Zhan waited until almost the end before he also went into the concert hall and took his place in the last row. Even then, before the concert even started, Zhan understood what the girl meant when she said that this was actually a bad seat. Because it was hard for him to see anything from the stage. He now also understood why there were these huge screens that showed live what was happening on stage.

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