Chapter 38 - Cooperation?

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When Zhan arrived at the secret base, Xian Chu was already there, impatiently waiting for him. As soon as she saw him, she asked him, "After going to your ex-boyfriend's concert yesterday, are you finally ready to start the investigation for our mission?"

"It's not even quite 7 in the morning and you're already getting on my nerves. And I haven't even been here for one minute!" Zhan replied annoyed.

"Oh are you in a bad mood? Was your ex's concert that bad?"

"I got in a bad mood the moment I saw you. It has nothing to do with the concert or my ex. And just so you know, I didn't see the concert! Even though it's none of your business at all."

"But you had been there. I saw pictures and videos on the internet of the concert. In one picture, you're standing with a girl by the parking lot. And in several videos you can see your ex standing on stage calling your name. And you can be seen leaving the hall."

"Um, why is that any of your business?"

"Nothing at all. I was just interested because I like Wang Yibo's music too. Well, who knew he was gay and that my partner was his ex?"

"Don't you dare tell anyone that."

"What are you thinking? For one thing, I can't, because of our job. And for another, I don't hate you enough to destroy your career and Wang Yibo's career. However, I do have some advice for you. If your ex still means anything to you and you don't want his hard work to become an idol to be undone because it comes out that he's gay, you'd better stay away from him in the future."

"And you shouldn't get involved in things that are none of your business." Said the boss, who also just walked in the door. Xian Chu immediately winced and hurried to get to her desk.

"Thanks boss." Said Zhan quietly.

"You're welcome. But to be honest. Even though I hate to admit it, I think she's right. He is your ex and now world famous. And if you really don't want him back, get out of his way."

"Yes sir."

"Zhan, I mean no offense."

"I know sir."

"Stop with the sir! Go on, get to your work."

"Yes." Replied Zhan and went to his desk as well.

As Zhan sat at his desk, he remembered what else he wanted to ask Xian Chu. He called over to hers from his seat, "Hey Agent Xian? Did you find out in which boarding school in London the son is?"

"Were those 10 steps too much for you to come over and ask me? And yes, I did find out something. The son was in London until 7 days ago. But because the politician has huge debts and couldn't pay for the boarding school anymore, he had to bring his son back here. And I found out that although he enrolled his son in a school here, his son only came to school for one day and has been on sick leave since then." Shouted Xian Chu back.

Zhan got up from his seat and walked over to Xian Chu. "But the selfie of himself was posted online by the son less than a week ago. So it's safe to assume he posted it after the fact. Him or someone else."

"That's what I'm assuming, too. And there's another discrepancy. The boss found out yesterday that the politician has quite a bit of contact with shady businessmen."


"Well, these businessmen are primarily involved in illegal business. In addition, our fine politician owns shares in a company that does not actually exist. It is indeed in the commercial register. But under the registered address is nothing but farmland. Yet higher amounts of money from this alleged company regularly come into his account."

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