Chapter 16 - New thefts

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After Yibo and Emily had gone a little round, Yibo was not very talkative, which is why Emily probably preferred to retire to her room, Yibo made a big round of the campus alone. Again and again he slid his fingers over his lips and felt this enormous tingling in his stomach when he thought of the kiss.

After his big round, Yibo went back to the dorm and to his room. He could hardly wait for Youn to come into the room. He wanted, no, he had to tell him about the kiss. And when he finally came into the room, Yibo jumped up from his chair at the desk, grabbed Youn by the shoulders and said, "He kissed me!" It just burst out of him.

"What do you mean, who kissed you?" Youn asked, visibly confused.

"Zhan! It was Zhan!"

"Huh? When?"

"Earlier when the power went out. That's when he kissed me!"

"And how do you know that? It could have been anyone else there." Said Youn, and of course he was right about that. But Yibo enlightened him as to why it couldn't be the others. He had after all thought about it thoroughly and in the end only Zhan remained.

Youn thought about Yibo's explanation for a moment and finally nodded. "Well, if you explain it that way, then of course I understand how you come up with it. And yes, that really only leaves Zhan. But he's with Alessia, isn't he? And you said she looked the same as you felt. So, could he have kissed both of you?"

"No way! And I thought of something else. Zhan has never said in his own words that he's in a relationship with Alessia. He called her a friend, but not his girlfriend. And according to Emily, Alessia had some problems with her parents and was always crying to Zhan. He was probably just comforting her. At least that's what Emily says. And she also said that they were probably hugging as friends and not because they were in love with each other."

"Mhhh. But if he really isn't with her. Then why didn't he clear that up?"

"How? Neither of us asked him about it, and frankly I often hadn't given him the chance. And I guess if they really are friends and she was having problems, maybe he just wanted to be a good friend and stand by her."

"Maybe so. But we should be careful. You have a crush on him, so it's clear you're looking for excuses for his behavior. You want the things Emily told you to be true. Because that would make you feel like you have a chance with him after all and that not all is lost."

"No Youn. I know what you're saying and normally I would agree with you. But I'm telling you, he kissed me! And he certainly didn't do it without a reason. I don't know if that means he likes me too and wants more from me. But I do know that you don't kiss someone without a reason."

"Well, if he likes you too and is in love with you, that would at least explain his absurd behavior today."

"What absurd behavior?"

"Oh Yibo, didn't you notice? He acted like a jealous possessive boyfriend."

"Did he?"

"Yes Yibo!"

"Wow, I didn't notice."

"I notice that. Well, I'd still say find out what's really going on between him and Alessia and how he really feels about you before you let your feelings run wild again."

"Mn. I'll give it a try. But can I at least enjoy the kiss for the rest of the evening? It was my first kiss! And I got it from the man of my dreams!"

"Of course you can be happy Yibo. I'm happy with you. And congratulations on your first kiss."

"Thank you."

"How did it feel?"

"Very nice. I have no references to other kisses, of course, since it was my first kiss. But that first kiss just felt great. Like the perfect first kiss."

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