Chapter 11 - Yibo vs. Alessia

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Since Yibo had recovered from his angina much faster than the doctor expected, he was able to participate in training again after only one, instead of two weeks. Even though he still felt a bit weak, he gritted his teeth and fought his way through the training. Probably his hatred for Alessia was what gave him the most strength.

Ever since Yibo woke up from that confused dream about Zhan and Alessia, he hated Alessia even more than before. Even though it was only a dream, it seemed so real to him that he believed it was really happening. At least as far as Alessia was concerned. He was not sure about Zhan. He rather assumed that his wishful thinking had contributed to dreaming about Zhan in this way.

Although he would just have to ask Seungyoun if Zhan had really tried to wake him up and really helped carry him to the infirmary and really whispered something briefly in his ear, he didn't dare ask Seungyoun about it. It was clear to him, however, that Cheng certainly could not have helped carry him. Not with the plaster Cheng wears around his hand and up to his elbow.

Yibo just didn't want his dream to be destroyed. The dream in which Zhan cared about him and in which Zhan whispered something in his ear that he couldn't understand. So if he asked Youn about what really happened and Youn said it was anyone else who helped, he probably wouldn't just be disappointed.

What Yibo found a little strange, however, was that neither Youn nor Cheng talked about Zhan on their own. Or about what had happened. He suspected, however, that they just didn't want to put Yibo through any more stress so that he could recover quickly. At least that was the only logical explanation for Yibo.

When Yibo finally returned to training and classes, the question of who should get the solo dance at the big live performance came up again. Because in Yibo's absence, Alessia cleverly brought herself back into the game. The ballet coach was a great help to her. Because Alessia turned to her and she had then summoned her colleagues to reconsider, since Yibo would be absent.

But now Yibo was back and again the coaches discussed who would get the spot of the solo dance and who would not. But no matter how long they discussed, they came to no decision. Half of the coaches were for Yibo. The other half of the coaches for Alessia. And to let the two opponents compete against each other in a battle was not possible. Because both of them excel in dance and Yibo was not fit enough for it.

No one wanted to take the risk of sending Yibo back to the boards immediately by overtaxing him again. So a dance battle was not possible. And since the big performance is about a solo dance, no other category was possible. So what were they supposed to do? How should they come to a decision?

In fact, it was then Cheng who made the best suggestion. "Upload videos of the two of them dancing on the Internet and let the viewers decide." Demanded Cheng and the other students agreed.

"Exactly! There were quite a few videos made during the training and there are the videos of the performances of the two. You can upload them and let the fans of the two decide." Youn now interfered as well. Whereby he actually said nothing different than Cheng. Yibo thanked him anyway, but thought he was just saying something to get some recognition like Cheng before. Which also worked.

Just two hours later, there was a new vote on the Keno Academy's social media page. "Yibo vs. Alessia! Which of our two amazing talented students do you think should have a solo dance performance at our next online event? You decide!" It said. Underneath there were several videos of the two of them training and performing.

For three days the viewers and fans could decide whether Yibo or Alessia would get the solo performance at the big online live event. And before that no one was able to see who got more votes. Alessia didn't seem very confident and complained several times that Yibo had an advantage because he is from this country and she is not.

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