Chapter 37 - Nothing is as it was

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Yibo stood in the parking lot for a few more minutes, staring in bewilderment at the road Zhan had taken. Only when his uncle came to him and put his hand on his shoulder did Yibo's stare dissolve. "Uncle, I knew it wouldn't be easy to talk to Zhan. But I hadn't thought that he would completely close himself off to me." Said Yibo still irritated.

"Do you think now is the right time to think about it? The hall is full of fans of yours and they are waiting for your performance. When you called for Zhan from the stage, it already confused your fans anyway." Replied his uncle in a gentle voice.

"Uncle. When you texted me that Zhan was there and where you two were sitting..."

"Yibo don't you hear what I'm saying? You have to go in there now and do the concert. We'll talk about Zhan later okay?"

"Mhhh, okay." Said Yibo and let his uncle take him back to the side entrance of the hall. Again and again Yibo turned to the street, hoping that maybe Zhan would come back, but Zhan didn't. All he could do now was hope that his uncle would get on with his conversation about Zhan and have some good news for him.

Confidently as if nothing had happened, Yibo went through with his concert and hoped to be able to talk to his uncle right afterwards. But then he had to receive the fans with a backstage pass, talk to them and take pictures. Afterwards, he had to shower and change and answer a few questions from a journalist who was going to write an article about the concert the following day.

When Yibo was finally through with everything, it was already past midnight and his uncle was long gone again. He had only written a message to Yibo letting him know that he would be in touch later and couldn't wait because he had to get up early again. Yibo was disappointed, of course, but could understand his uncle. Because after they returned from Seoul, his uncle was offered the job as a security consultant in a financial company, which he accepted. And since then, his uncle must be at work every morning punctually at 6:30 am.

Since Yibo himself was tired from this exhausting day and actually just wanted to go home, he got into his car and drove off. On the way to his new apartment, he stopped briefly at a night pharmacy and got his mom a bottle of her stomach drops, because she told him during a phone call shortly before his concert, that she has stomach pain, but her drops are not there.

At home, his mom was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a hot water bottle on her stomach. Yibo greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and handed her the stomach drops. Relieved, she hugged Yibo and immediately took her drops. Afterwards, they were both still sitting on the sofa and his mom asked him, "How was your concert? Did everything go as planned?"

"Mn. My management prepared everything well and of course the team on site." Yibo replied thoughtfully.

"If everything went smoothly, why do you look so sad?"


"Yes, or do you see anyone else here besides the two of us?"

"No. I just didn't realize I was looking sad."

"It's like this. So tell your mom what happened."

"Well, it's about Zhan."

"Uh-huh, kind of figured that. Tell me in order."

"Mn. So first he showed up at the hotel. I thought I imagined it, but Emily saw him too. I met her at the hotel. And then just as I was about to go on stage at the concert, Uncle texted me that Zhan was in the hall and they were both sitting in the back row talking. I ran to the stage but couldn't see anything with the light. Besides, the last row was too far away. So I took the microphone and called out Zhan's name. Zhan then got up and left the hall. I ran off the stage and out the side entrance. I saw him standing by a car in the parking lot and called out to him. But he... well, he told me not to come closer and to go back. And when I told him I wanted to talk to him, he just said no, got in his car and drove away."

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